Saturday, October 14, 2017

Coding SQL Server triggers for multi-row operations

It has been a while since I wrote some of my best practices posts. I decided to revisit these posts again to see if anything has changed, I also wanted to see if I could add some additional info.

Today I decided to revisit the post about coding triggers for multi-row operations

There are many forum posts and questions on stackoverflow where people have trigger code. However  these triggers are coded incorrectly because they don't account for multi-row operations. 

The one thing you have to remember is that a trigger fires per batch not per row, if you are lucky you will get an error...if you are not lucky you will not get an error but it might take a while before you notice that you are missing a whole bunch of data

Let's take a look at exactly what happens, first create these two tables

CREATE TABLE Test(id int identity not null primary key, 
   SomeDate datetime not null)

CREATE TABLE  TestHistory(id int  not null, 
   InsertedDate datetime not null)

Now create the following trigger.

    ON Test
    IF @@ROWCOUNT =0
    DECLARE @id int
    SET @id = (SELECT id 
    FROM inserted)
    INSERT TestHistory (id,InsertedDate)
    SELECT @id, getdate()

The trigger you just created is very simple, it basically inserts a row into the history table every time an insert happens in the test table

Run this insert statement which only inserts one row

INSERT Test(SomeDate) values(getdate())

Now run this to see what is in the history table

SELECT * FROM TestHistory

1 2017-10-14 08:49:16.227

That all works fine, what happens when we try to insert 2 rows?

INSERT Test(SomeDate)
SELECT getdate()
SELECT  dateadd(dd,1,getdate() )

Here is the error.

Server: Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure trTest, Line 11
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
The statement has been terminated.

As you can see the trigger blew up with an error. Let's try something else.
What would happen if you coded the trigger in this way

    ON Test
    IF @@ROWCOUNT =0
    DECLARE @id int
    SELECT @id = id 
    FROM inserted
    INSERT TestHistory (id,InsertedDate)
    SELECT @id, getdate()

Now insert one row

INSERT Test(SomeDate) VALUES (getdate())

We look again what is in the history table, as you can see we have id 1 and 4, this is because id 2 and 3 failed and were rolled back when we did the insert earlier

SELECT * FROM TestHistory

1 2017-10-14 08:49:16.227
4 2017-10-14 08:50:37.647

Here is where it gets interesting, run this code

INSERT Test(SomeDate)
SELECT getdate()
SELECT dateadd(dd,1,getdate() )

That runs fine but when we look now we are missing one of the rows in the history table

SELECT * FROM TestHistory

1 2017-10-14 08:49:16.227
4 2017-10-14 08:50:37.647
5 2017-10-14 08:51:06.270

let's try that same insert statement again

INSERT Test(SomeDate)
SELECT getdate()
SELECT dateadd(dd,1,getdate() )

Now we are again missing a row in the history table

SELECT * FROM TestHistory

1 2017-10-14 08:49:16.227
4 2017-10-14 08:50:37.647
5 2017-10-14 08:51:06.270
7 2017-10-14 08:52:09.447

The problem is with this line of code

SELECT @id = id FROM inserted

@id will only hold the value for one of the rows that was returned in the result set

Here is how you would change the trigger to work correctly

    ON Test
    IF @@ROWCOUNT =0
    INSERT TestHistory (id,InsertedDate)
    SELECT id, getdate()
    FROM inserted

Now run the single insert statement again

INSERT Test(SomeDate) VALUES (getdate())

That row was inserted, we can check the history table to see what is there now

SELECT * FROM TestHistory

1 2017-10-14 08:49:16.227
4 2017-10-14 08:50:37.647
5 2017-10-14 08:51:06.270
7 2017-10-14 08:52:09.447
9 2017-10-14 08:52:57.990

Finally, we can again test with the insert statement that will insert 2 rows

INSERT Test(SomeDate)
SELECT getdate()
SELECT dateadd(dd,1,getdate() )

Let's check the history table again

SELECT  * FROM TestHistory

1 2017-10-14 08:49:16.227
4 2017-10-14 08:50:37.647
5 2017-10-14 08:51:06.270
7 2017-10-14 08:52:09.447
9 2017-10-14 08:52:57.990
11 2017-10-14 08:53:40.693
10 2017-10-14 08:53:40.693

And as you can see both rows were inserted into the history table

So what is worse in this case? The error message or the fact that the code didn't blow up but that the insert wasn't working correctly? I'll take an error message any time over the other problem.

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