Planning Poker
Have you ever been in a meeting where the question was asked how long it would take to do a certain task? What usually happens is this: the first person will say 16 hours and the next 3 people will pick something close or even the same value. With planning poker you don’t know what the other people said until every person decided. This is how it works: everyone has a bunch of cards which are numbered between 0.5 and 48 (with gaps), a need more info card and a need coffee break card. These cards can be used for days or hours, it depends how big the task is. So it the same question is asked then everyone puts a card down with the number facing down. Then all the people turn the cards and the group looks at the numbers. At this point you will see strange things every now and then, some people have 2 hours some people have 32 hours for the same task. The reason for this is because some of the people didn’t completely understand what is involved and might need more information. You go around the room and everyone explains how they picked their number. This is where you will find out that some people didn’t understand the task and need more info. Sometimes you will find out that a task needs to be split up, a task should not take longer than 1 ideal day to complete. After you have completed the whole process a couple of times you will find out that your team is much better at estimating the time it will take to complete a task.
There is a website where you can do planning poker online, the URL is
We made our own, we all picked a different picture for the back of the cards and everyone has the same numbers for the front.
To learn more about Scrum visit these URLs
If you want to read books about scrum then I recommend these two
Agile Project Management with Scrum (Microsoft Professional)
Agile Software Development with SCRUM
And never ever call a certified Scrum Master Scrumbag ;-)