Monday, October 12, 2015

Some reasons your tSQLt test is not executing

This post is part of a Unit Testing series I created, you can find links to all the posts here: Unit testing in SQL Server, a list of all the posts
Today we are going to look at why a test might not be running. Before starting, if you don't have tSQLt setup, follow the instruction here: Unit testing in SQL Server, installing tSQLt and doing a quick test
 First, if you didn't create a test database yet, let's create one and name it UnittestExamples, we will also create a simple table in that database

CREATE DATABASE UnittestExamples

USE UnittestExamples

CREATE TABLE SomeTable (ID int)

Now connect to your tSQLt database

Let's create two test classes

EXEC tSQLt.NewTestClass 'MyNewClass'
EXEC tSQLt.NewTestClass 'MyNewestClass'

To see all the test classes in your tSQLt database, you can use the following query

SELECT Name, SchemaId
FROM tSQLt.TestClasses;

Name       SchemaId
MyNewClass 6
MyNewestClass 7

Now we will create a bunch of procs, these procs will test for the existance of a table in the UnittestExamples database

CREATE PROCEDURE MyNewClass.[ObjectExist]
EXEC tSQLt.AssertObjectExists 'UnittestExamples.dbo.SomeTable'

CREATE PROCEDURE MyNewestClass.[ObjectExist]
EXEC tSQLt.AssertObjectExists 'UnittestExamples.dbo.SomeTable'

CREATE PROCEDURE MyNewClass.[test ObjectExist]
EXEC tSQLt.AssertObjectExists 'UnittestExamples.dbo.SomeTable'

CREATE PROCEDURE MyNewestClass.[test ObjectExist]
EXEC tSQLt.AssertObjectExists 'UnittestExamples.dbo.SomeTable'

CREATE PROCEDURE [test ObjectExist]
EXEC tSQLt.AssertObjectExists 'UnittestExamples.dbo.SomeTable'

Now it is time to run our tests,

EXEC tSQLt.tSQLt.Run 'MyNewestClass'

|Test Execution Summary|

|No|Test Case Name                    |Result |
|1 |[MyNewestClass].[test ObjectExist]|Success|
Test Case Summary: 1 test case(s) executed, 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored.

EXEC tSQLt.tSQLt.Run 'MyNewClass'

|Test Execution Summary|

|No|Test Case Name                 |Result |
|1 |[MyNewClass].[test ObjectExist]|Success|
Test Case Summary: 1 test case(s) executed, 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored.

Now, let;s call all the classes in one shot, will that make a difference?


|Test Execution Summary|

|No|Test Case Name                 |Result |
|1  |[MyNewClass].[test ObjectExist]    |Success|
|2  |[MyNewestClass].[test ObjectExist] |Success|
Test Case Summary: 2 test case(s) executed, 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored.

Nope, only two out of five tests executed.
So what happened, why are only two of the five tests running? The reason is that each test has to be named so that the first part of the name is test. We created the following four test stored procedures

CREATE PROCEDURE MyNewClass.[ObjectExist]
CREATE PROCEDURE MyNewestClass.[ObjectExist]

CREATE PROCEDURE MyNewClass.[test ObjectExist]
CREATE PROCEDURE MyNewestClass.[test ObjectExist]

As you can see the first two are not named so that the name starts with test. Renaming those so that they start with test will fix that. I myself have made this mistake many times in the beginning, hopefully this will save someone some time in the future

What about the 5th proc why didn't that run?

CREATE PROCEDURE [test ObjectExist]

As you can see that proc is named correctly, however it is not in the two test classes that we created. It is created in the default class which most likely will be dbo, You can actually execute this by calling the dbo class

EXEC tSQLt.tSQLt.Run 'dbo'

|Test Execution Summary|

|No|Test Case Name          |Result |
|1 |[dbo].[test ObjectExist]|Success|
Test Case Summary: 1 test case(s) executed, 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored.

So there you have it, the procs have to be named so that they start with test and the procs have to be created in a test class that the following query returns

SELECT Name, SchemaId
FROM tSQLt.TestClasses;

Time to clean up the mess...... Here is how you can quickly clean up, this will drop the test class as well as all the objects in that class

EXEC tSQLt.DropClass 'MyNewClass'
EXEC tSQLt.DropClass 'MyNewestClass'

This post is part of a Unit Testing series I created, you can find links to all the posts here: Unit testing in SQL Server, a list of all the posts

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Your first step in dealing with SQLState = S1000 I/O error while writing a BCP data-file

The other day one job started to fail every time it ran. The error was

Server: FancyServerName 
Job: SomeJobName 
Step: Step 3) SomeStepName 
Message: Executed as user: SomeDomain\SomeServiceAccount. Starting copy... SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0 Error = [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]I/O error while writing BCP data-file 19 rows copied. Network packet size (bytes): 4096 Clock Time (ms.) Total : 1 Average : (19000.00 rows per sec.). Process Exit Code 1. The step failed. 
Time: 2015-10-06 08:16:20

This was very interesting since the file we were writing had only 19 rows and this was very small, less than a kilobyte. So how do you investigate what the error is? It could be all kinds of things:

Permissions on the drive
Problems with the drive
Memory issues
Issue with a format file

If you do a search you will get all kinds of things back. However the first thing you need to run is the following

EXEC xp_fixeddrives

Here is what I saw after running xp_fixeddrives

drive      MB free
C             235644
D             1479234
E              10123
F              10123
G             10123
L              10123
S              117706
T              10123
Z              0

Take a look at the Z drive do you see that? The Z drive is full, there is no space left. It would be nice if the error message indicated that it couldn't write to the file because there was no space left. In a production environment this should not happen because hopefully you have something in place that sends out an alert if the drive is 90% full.

So, if you ever get this error, first thing you have to do is if you have space left on the drive.

I also want to point out that the xp_fixeddrives stored procedure is undocumented so there is no guarantee it will be available in a future version of SQL Server.

Monday, October 05, 2015

Unit testing in SQL Server, a list of all the posts

This is a list of all the unit test blog post I created about tSQLt and unit testing.

Unit testing in SQl Server... why?
This post explains why you should be unit testing

Unit testing in SQL Server..what are unit tests
This post explains what unit tests are

Unit testing in SQL Server, taking a first look a tSQLt
This post takes a first look at tSQLt, tSQLt is a unit test framework completely written in T-SQL

Unit testing in SQL Server, installing tSQLt and doing a quick test
This post helps you install tSQLt and run a few test to get a quick demo of how tSQLt works

Some reasons your tSQLt test is not executing
This post will explain why some unit tests might not be running

Unit testing in SQL Server, installing tSQLt and doing a quick test

In today's post we will install tSQLt and run a simple test. To start download tSQLt, unzip the zipfile into its own folder. Here is what is inside that zip file, we are looking at executing the tSQLt.class.sql file later on

Open up SSMS, connect to the database server where you want to create the tSQLt database. We need to enable the CLR on the server where you are running your tests because tSQLt is using some CLR functionality.

Execute the following command to enable the CLR on your box

EXEC sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1;

Now we need to create the database and make it trustworthy, execute the following




Go to your unzipped folder, open up the tSQLt.class.sql file, make sure that you are connected to you tSQLt database, execute the code

You should see something like this in the output once all the code has run

Installed at 2015-10-05 17:58:53.360

(1 row(s) affected)

|                                         |
| Thank you for using tSQLt.              |
|                                         |
| tSQLt Version: 1.0.5686.18945           |
|                                         |

After the code has completed, run the following

EXEC tSQLt.Fail 'congratulation, we are ready to go to the next step'

You should see the following output

Msg 50000, Level 16, State 10, Procedure Fail, Line 51

Let's create a sample database so that we can do some testing

Execute the following code

CREATE DATABASE UnittestExamples

USE UnittestExamples

CREATE TABLE dbo.test1(id int)
CREATE TABLE dbo.test2(id int)

INSERT dbo.test1  VALUES(1)
INSERT dbo.test2  VALUES(2)

INSERT dbo.test1  VALUES(3)
INSERT dbo.test2  VALUES(3)

INSERT dbo.test1  VALUES(4)
INSERT dbo.test2  VALUES(5)


Now let's run a couple of tests

tSQLt ships with an assertion to test if 2 tables are the same, the assertion is named AssertEqualsTable

So let's see if these two tables are the same, execute the following

EXEC tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable 'UnittestExamples.dbo.test1', 'UnittestExamples.dbo.test2'

Here is the output
Msg 50000, Level 16, State 10, Procedure Fail, Line 73

As you just saw, will get an error, now what will happen if you compare the table against itself, run this to find out.

EXEC tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable 'UnittestExamples.dbo.test1', 'UnittestExamples.dbo.test1'

There was no error now, this is expected

What happens if we test a table against a non existing table?

EXEC tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable 'UnittestExamples.dbo.test1', 'UnittestExamples.dbo.test112'

Msg 50000, Level 16, State 10, Procedure Fail, Line 51
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Invalid object name 'UnittestExamples.dbo.test112'.

I want to point something important out. Comparing two tables is usually doing for small lookup tables, you create a table inside your unit test with values that you expect to match the table in the database, if these tables don't match, then you have a problem. You wouldn't want to compare two million row tables in a test.

Let's do another assertion, let's see if an table exists.

EXEC tSQLt.AssertObjectExists 'UnittestExamples.dbo.SomeTable'

Msg 50000, Level 16, State 10, Procedure Fail, Line 51

That fails as expected, now let's try it with a table that exists

EXEC tSQLt.AssertObjectExists 'UnittestExamples.dbo.test1'

That ran fine as expected.

Let's clean up by dropping the two tables we created earlier.

DROP TABLE dbo.test1 , dbo.test12

Creating a test class
What you want to do with tSQLt is group all your tests together, for example if you are testing a stored procedure, you can execute just those set of tests. When creating a test class in tSQLt, a new schema will be created, you can easily verify this. Execute the following


SELECT * FROM sys.schemas
WHERE schema_id BETWEEN 5 AND 1000

name schema_id principal_id
tSQLt         5 1

As you can see, the only schema the query returns is the tSQLt schema. Now let's create a new test class, you do this by executing the NewTestClass  stored procedure, if we wanted to create a test class named WebFlags, we would do it like this

tSQLt.NewTestClass 'WebFlags'

Running the following code again, you will now see an additional schema in the output

SELECT * FROM sys.schemas
WHERE schema_id BETWEEN 5 AND 1000

name schema_id principal_id
tSQLt         5 1
WebFlags 6 1  

Let's create a couple of test stored procedures with the examples we used before

First we need to recreate the test1 table again

USE UnittestExamples

CREATE TABLE dbo.test1(id int)

INSERT dbo.test1  VALUES(1)
INSERT dbo.test1  VALUES(3)
INSERT dbo.test1  VALUES(4)

Now we will create 3 stored procedures. It is very important that you name each stored procedure beginning with 'test ', if you don't do this then tSQLt will skip the proc. Here is the code to create our 3 stored procedures


CREATE PROCEDURE WebFlags.[test test1 table has all correct values]

CREATE TABLE dbo.test2(id int)

INSERT dbo.test2  VALUES(2)
INSERT dbo.test2  VALUES(3)
INSERT dbo.test2  VALUES(5)

EXEC tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable 'UnittestExamples.dbo.test1', 'tSQLt.dbo.test2'

DROP TABLE dbo.test2
GO CREATE PROCEDURE WebFlags.[test SomeTable table exists] AS EXEC tSQLt.AssertObjectExists 'UnittestExamples.dbo.SomeTable' GO CREATE PROCEDURE WebFlags.[test test1 table exists] AS EXEC tSQLt.AssertObjectExists 'UnittestExamples.dbo.test1' GO

To execute these procs, all we need to do is run the following

tSQLt.tSQLt.Run 'WebFlags'

Here is the output

[WebFlags].[test SomeTable table exists] failed: (Failure) 'UnittestExamples.dbo.SomeTable' does not exist
[WebFlags].[test test1 table has all correct values] failed: (Failure) Unexpected/missing resultset rows!
|<  |1 |
|>  |4 |
|=  |3 |
|>  |5 |
|>  |2 |

|Test Execution Summary|

|No|Test Case Name                                      |Dur(ms)|Result |
|1 |[WebFlags].[test test1 table exists]                |      3|Success|
|2 |[WebFlags].[test SomeTable table exists]            |      6|Failure|
|3 |[WebFlags].[test test1 table has all correct values]|     33|Failure|
Msg 50000, Level 16, State 10, Line 1
Test Case Summary: 3 test case(s) executed, 1 succeeded, 2 failed, 0 errored.

As you can see, on top you will get the name of the tests that failed, also included is the error message

[WebFlags].[test SomeTable table exists] failed: (Failure) 'UnittestExamples.dbo.SomeTable' does not exist
[WebFlags].[test test1 table has all correct values] failed: (Failure) Unexpected/missing resultset rows!
|<  |1 |
|>  |4 |
|=  |3 |
|>  |5 |
|>  |2 |

Below that you will get a list of each that that ran with an indication if the test was successful or not

|No|Test Case Name                                      |Dur(ms)|Result |
|1 |[WebFlags].[test test1 table exists]                |      3|Success|
|2 |[WebFlags].[test SomeTable table exists]            |      6|Failure|
|3 |[WebFlags].[test test1 table has all correct values]|     33|Failure|

Finally you get a summary

Test Case Summary: 3 test case(s) executed, 1 succeeded, 2 failed, 0 errored.

You can also run all these tests by running the following


Right now since you only have 1 test class, the result is the same if you run all tests or the tests for the WebFlags class

That's all for today, in the next post we will take a look at tSQLt available assertions and how they are used

The list of all the unit test posts can be found here: Unit testing in SQL Server, a list of all the posts

Friday, October 02, 2015

Dropping all objects in a schema

I had the need to drop all objects that I created in a specific schema as part of a unit test. Then I decided to test my script on the Adventure Works 2014 sample database and I got a couple of errors. Some of these errors were that there were foreign key constraints from a different schema pointing to a table in this schema. I also got an error complaining about an XML SCHEMA collection living in my schema.

If you want to follow along by running the scripts, first download the Adventure Works 2014 sample database

After you are done downloading the database, create a folder named training on your C drive.
Open up SSMS, open a query window, run the following script

USE [master]

--DROP DATABASE AdventureWorks2014

RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2014
FROM disk= 'C:\Training\AdventureWorks2014.bak'
WITH MOVE 'AdventureWorks2014_data' TO 'C:\Training\AdventureWorks2014.mdf',
MOVE 'AdventureWorks2014_Log' TO 'C:\Training\AdventureWorks2014.ldf'
,REPLACE, stats =20

Now that the DB is available, we can look at what the script looks like. Connect to the database you just created and open up a new query window. Before running the script make sure that you are in text mode, just hit CTRL + T in your  SSMS query window

Here is what the script looks like

   DECLARE  @SchemaName NVARCHAR(100) = 'HumanResources'

   +'.'+ QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(s.parent_object_id))
   FROM sys.foreign_keys s
   JOIN sys.tables t on s.parent_object_id = t.object_id
   JOIN sys.tables t2 on s.referenced_object_id = t2.object_id
    WHERE t2.schema_id = SCHEMA_ID(@SchemaName)

    SELECT 'DROP ' +
                    CASE WHEN type IN ('P','PC') THEN 'PROCEDURE'
                         WHEN type =  'U' THEN 'TABLE'
                         WHEN type IN ('IF','TF','FN') THEN 'FUNCTION'
                         WHEN type = 'V' THEN 'VIEW'
                     END +
                   ' ' +  QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id))+'.'+QUOTENAME(name)  
                   FROM sys.objects
             WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID(@SchemaName)
    AND type IN('P','PC','U','IF','TF','FN','V')
    ORDER BY  CASE WHEN type IN ('P','PC') THEN 4
                         WHEN type =  'U' THEN 3
                         WHEN type IN ('IF','TF','FN') THEN 1
                         WHEN type = 'V' THEN 2

  + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id))+'.'+QUOTENAME(name)
  FROM sys.xml_schema_collections
  WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID(@SchemaName)


As you can see, there are 4 things going on here.

  1. Remove the constraints
  2. Drop Views, Function, Stored Procedures and Tables, drop functions and views first, procs last
  3. Drop XML Schema Collections
  4. Drop the Schema

Of course if you have a view in  another database or schema referencing your objects inside this schema you will have problems...I will get to this later

Running that script will give you the following output

ALTER TABLE [HumanResources].[EmployeeDepartmentHistory] 
DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Shift_ShiftID]
ALTER TABLE [HumanResources].[EmployeeDepartmentHistory] 
DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Department_DepartmentID]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Document] 
DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_Document_Employee_Owner]
ALTER TABLE [HumanResources].[EmployeeDepartmentHistory] 
DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_EmployeeDepartmentHistory_Employee_BusinessEntityID]
ALTER TABLE [HumanResources].[EmployeePayHistory] 
DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_EmployeePayHistory_Employee_BusinessEntityID]
ALTER TABLE [HumanResources].[JobCandidate] 
DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_JobCandidate_Employee_BusinessEntityID]
ALTER TABLE [Purchasing].[PurchaseOrderHeader] 
DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_PurchaseOrderHeader_Employee_EmployeeID]
ALTER TABLE [Sales].[SalesPerson] 
DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_SalesPerson_Employee_BusinessEntityID]

DROP VIEW [HumanResources].[vEmployee]
DROP VIEW [HumanResources].[vEmployeeDepartment]
DROP VIEW [HumanResources].[vEmployeeDepartmentHistory]
DROP VIEW [HumanResources].[vJobCandidate]
DROP VIEW [HumanResources].[vJobCandidateEmployment]
DROP VIEW [HumanResources].[vJobCandidateEducation]
DROP TABLE [HumanResources].[Shift]
DROP TABLE [HumanResources].[Department]
DROP TABLE [HumanResources].[Employee]
DROP TABLE [HumanResources].[EmployeeDepartmentHistory]
DROP TABLE [HumanResources].[EmployeePayHistory]
DROP TABLE [HumanResources].[JobCandidate]
DROP PROCEDURE [HumanResources].[uspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo]
DROP PROCEDURE [HumanResources].[uspUpdateEmployeeLogin]
DROP PROCEDURE [HumanResources].[uspUpdateEmployeePersonalInfo]

DROP XML SCHEMA COLLECTION [HumanResources].[HRResumeSchemaCollection]

DROP SCHEMA [HumanResources]

Run that and it should all run fine, the schema should be gone

Now change @SchemaName NVARCHAR(100) = 'HumanResources' to @SchemaName NVARCHAR(100) = 'Sales'

Run the script again, run the output from the script

Finally change the variable to Person @SchemaName NVARCHAR(100= 'Person'

Run the script, run the output.  All 3 schemas we specified should be gone now

Now restore the database again, This time run the code to remove the Sales Schema, Then run the code to remove the Person Schema.

Here is the error you will receive

Msg 6328, Level 16, State 1, Line 39
Specified collection 'AdditionalContactInfoSchemaCollection' cannot be dropped because it is used by object 'HumanResources.vEmployee'.

However, it is really used by the Person.Person table which we just dropped. In this case you will need to drop the view. If you have stuff like this in the database, you probably don't want to just start dropping objects in another schema that point to objects in your schema

I am not having these kind of issues so the code is good enough for me to wipe out objects that have been created as part of my unit testing

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Unit testing in SQL Server, taking a first look a tSQLt

This is the third post in my Unit Testing series, today we are looking at what tSQLt, in the next post we will take a look at how to install tSQLt

What is tSQLt?  Here is how it is described on the tSQLt website

tSQLt is a database unit testing framework for Microsoft SQL Server. tSQLt is compatible with SQL Server 2005 (service pack 2 required) and above on all editions.

Main features

tSQLt allows you to implement unit tests in T-SQL. This is important as you do not have to switch between various tools to create your code and your unit tests. tSQLt also provides the following features to make it easier to create and manage unit tests:
  • Tests are automatically run within transactions – this keeps tests independent and reduces any cleanup work you need
  • Tests can be grouped together within a schema – allowing you to organize your tests and use common setup methods
  • Output can be generated in plain text or XML – making it easier to integrate with a continuous integration tool
  • Provides the ability to fake tables and views, and to create stored procedure spies – allowing you to isolate the code which you are testing

So basically after you install tSQLt on your SQL Server instance, it is just a database, you now have a unit test framework that you can use. They way you use tSQLt is by creating stored procedures that will do the unit testing for you. It all runs within SQL Server.

You can run 1 test, all tests in a test class or all tests for all test classes by calling a single stored procedure.  Here are the Assertions and Expectations that ship with tSQLt



In addition to that you can of course use IF EXISTS..... and then a Fail Assertions to test anything that is not testable with the built in Assertions 

In addition to be able to run this all from a query window in SSMS, if you have Red Gates SQL Test then you can use that to run the tests, you will get a graphical indicator at that point. If the test passes it will be green, if it fails it will be red.

In the next post, we will take a look at how to install tSQLt on your database instance and write our  first test.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Unit testing in SQL Server..what are unit tests

This is a continuation from yesterday's post Unit testing in SQl Server... why? Today we will look at what unit tests actually are.

Test on an individual unit of code.
A unit test should ideally only test one discrete unit of code, there should not be a test for example how this unit of code reacts with other units of code. Tests should not be influenced by other units.

Executing a unit test should give you the same result every single time. Since a unit test is repeatable it is also easy to be automated.

Test one thing only
A test should only be testing one thing, it should test one question only. For example if I put money in the account did the balance increase?

Test the requirement for the unit.
If the requirement is that zip codes are 5 digits for example then you should have tests that verify that 5 is correct and for example 4 and 6 will fail the test.

When do I write unit tests?

Before development?
This enables you to focus on requirements, it is part of Agile, it also allows you to develop code structures first

During development?
If requirements change you need to create new unit tests or modify existing unit tests

After development?
You will need to add tests that validate existing code

The answer is of course during all 3 phases!
You will be writing unit tests when you change something in an existing application, start a new application or if you are in the middle of development for a soon to be launched application. The only difference is that with a new application you will write the test before the code and with an existing application that you will write the unit test after the code already exists.

Why are you not unit testing yet?
I asked this question and here are some of the answers I got...I hope the last one is a joke  :-)

Don’t know where to start
No time
No benefit
Our customer do our unit testing for us

Hopefully once you are done reading all these posts, these answers should not prevent you from starting to do unit testing

Unit testing in SQl Server... why?

I have been using tSQLt to do unit testing within SQL Server for the last 2 years. I already did a presentation twice at work and decided to document some of this so that it might help other people looking at using tSQLt to do unit testing with SQL Server.

This will be a multi part series, some of the stuff I will cover:

What is unit testing and why you should be unit testing
What tSQLt is and how to get started
Sample of all the different functionality that tSQLt provides
How to integrate tSQLt within your builds

Before starting, let me first tell you what happens when something is checked in into out source code repository.
1) The applications are build
2) Integration tests are run
3) Unit tests are run
4 If there were any errors an email is sent to the developers with the output of the failed tests or compilation errors

If there are errors, tSQLt will give you the name and the error for each test as well have a summary which looks something like the following

Test Case Summary: 128 test case(s) executed, 127 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 errored.

Before explaining what unit tests are, let take a look at what the cost is of fixing a bug

Take a look at this image below from a presentation by Stefan Priebsch, it shows you what the cost is of fixing a bug within the software lifecycle

As you can see, the relative cost fixing a bug is 150 times compared to if it was fixed during the requirements stage.

When doing unit testing, you hopefully will catch the errors before it gets to the point where the cost to fix the bug is 20x or higher.

In the next post I will explain what unit tests are and what they will provide to you and your team

Friday, September 18, 2015

Whenever you use the designer in SSMS, click on the Generate Change Script icon to verify what it will do

SQL Server Management Studio is pretty good tool to manage and develop against SQL Server instances. You have to be aware of some things that can be dangerous. Just the other day I had to help someone on a development environment who had a problem when he made a column bigger

The table looked like this

CREATE TABLE [TestTable] (
[id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[itemdate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[title] [varchar] (30) NOT NULL ,

So what the person wanted to do was make the title column 50 characters instead of 30. He right clicked on the table, clicked on Design, made the change and hit the save button. He then tried to run a query against the table and it was stuck, nothing was being returned. After a couple of minutes all seemed fine.
So what happened? Behind the scenes SSMS actually created a new table, dumped all that data into that table, dropped the original table and then renamed this new table to match the name of the original table

Here is what the script looks like that SSMS generates


CREATE TABLE dbo.Tmp_TestTable
id int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1),
itemdate datetime NOT NULL,
title varchar(50) NOT NULL



EXEC('INSERT INTO dbo.Tmp_TestTable (id, itemdate, title)

SELECT id, itemdate, title FROM dbo.TestTable WITH (HOLDLOCK TABLOCKX)')


DROP TABLE dbo.TestTable

EXECUTE sp_rename N'dbo.Tmp_TestTable', N'TestTable', 'OBJECT' 

All that can be replaced with this simple one line command, it runs much faster and it doesn't recreate anything, no data is being moved around either.

ALTER TABLE [TestTable] ALTER COLUMN [title] [varchar] (50)

The only time you should be using the designer is if the table is empty or if you want to see what kind of T-SQL the designer generates. You can see the T-SQL that SSMS generates by clicking on the Generate Change Script icon, you can then copy the T-SQL into a SSMS query window to look at it. You can see the Generate Change Script icon in the image below


By the way, SSMS will by default disable the recreation of tables when clicking on the save button, this can be disabled or enabled by unchecking or checking the highlighted option in the image below. You can get to this by clicking Tools-->Options-->Table and Database Designers

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Review of SQL Performance Explained by Markus Winand

SQL Performance Explained is a database book written by Markus Winand, the book is a little less than 200 pages. The book covers Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server. The terminology used in the book is that of the Oracle RDBMS but there are site notes for the other RDBMS products. The primary focus of this book is indexing, if you are interested in indexing then this book is for you, the one index this book covers in the B-tree Index, other indexes are not covered in this book at all.

There are 8 chapters in this book and an appendix, here is what is in the book.

CHAPTER 1 - Anatomy of an Index
The first chapter is the only one that doesn't cover SQL specifically; it is about the fundamental structure of an index. An understanding of the index structure is essential to following the later chapters — don’t skip this!
Although the chapter is rather short — only about eight pages — after working through the chapter you will already understand the phenomenon of slow indexes.

CHAPTER 2 - The Where Clause
This is where we pull out all the stops. This chapter explains all aspects of the where clause, from very simple single column lookups to complex clauses for ranges and special cases such as LIKE. This chapter makes up the main body of the book. Once you learn to
use these techniques, you will write much faster SQL.

CHAPTER 3 - Performance and Scalability
This chapter is a little digression about performance measurements and database scalability. See why adding hardware is not the best solution to slow queries.

CHAPTER 4 - The Join Operation
Back to SQL: here you will find an explanation of how to use indexes to perform a fast table join.

CHAPTER 5 - Clustering Data
Have you ever wondered if there is any difference between selecting a single column or all columns? Here is the answer — along with a trick to get even better performance.

CHAPTER 6 - Sorting and Grouping
Even order by and group by can use indexes.

CHAPTER 7 - Partial Results
This chapter explains how to benefit from a “pipelined” execution if you don’t need the full result set.

CHAPTER 8 - Insert, Delete and Update
How do indexes affect write performance? Indexes don’t come for free — use them wisely!

APPENDIX A - Execution Plans
Asking the database how it executes a statement.

So who is this book for? This book is primarily for developers, if you are an admin and you want to know about how indexing work, then this book will help you understand that. Don't expect to find how to reorganize or rebuild indexes, that is not the focus of this book.

I enjoyed this book a lot, there is a ton of useful information for developers and as a developer you should understand how data is stored and how you can get to the data more efficiently. Once you are done with this book, you will understand databases and retrieval of data much better and you might even rethink how you are storing some of the data. I also like the fact that this book is a little less than 200 pages and focused one one thing instead of those monster 1000+ page books that cover dozens of topics but don't delve deep into any of those topics.

I give this book two thumbs up because it does what the author's intentions, is focused on indexing and explains it well. I do have one little bone to pick with the book and that is that the book does not mention the XML Execution plan that was introduced with SQL Server 2005.

You can check out the book at the book's website here:

You can also check Amazon here: SQL Performance Explained

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Dealing with temporary tables and named constraints

The other day one of our recently changed stored procedures in the development environment started to fail with a message like the following

There is already an object named 'PK_#SomeName' in the database.

I looked at the proc code and noticed something like the following


Books On Line specifies the following about constraint names


Is the name of a constraint. Constraint names must be unique within the schema to which the table belongs.

Before I give you an example of how you can get around this, let's first see how it breaks

Copy and paste the following code in a window in SQL Server Management Studio, execute the code below

CREATE TABLE #test (id int not null)


Now take the same exact code, paste it in a new window (use the same database) and execute it, you should see the following error

Msg 2714, Level 16, State 5, Line 3
There is already an object named 'PK_#test' in the database.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 3
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

As you can see the message clearly tells you that there is already an object with that name in the database. So how can you get around this? There are two ways, the first is to use an unnamed constraint

Open a new window and execute the following


You can now do this in a couple of new windows and it won't fail.

Just to prove that the constraint works as expected, run the following code in some of those windows


You will get a message similar to the one below

Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#test_____3213E83F8E75389B'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#test'. The duplicate key value is (1).
The statement has been terminated.

Instead of a primary key, you could also use a unique index. Contrary to constraints names, index names do not have to be unique within the schema to which the table belongs

You can run the following code in a couple of windows and it won't fail

CREATE TABLE #test (id int not null)


If you run the code below you will see that it will fail on the second insert



Here is the expected error message

Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.#test' with unique index 'PK_#test'. The duplicate key value is (1).
The statement has been terminated.

So to sum it up, do NOT use named constraint with temporary tables, especially not inside stored procedures, if two sessions run the same proc you will get a failure

Use unnamed constraints or use a unique index on a non nullable column instead

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Defaults with parameters in SQL Server stored procedures gotcha

I was talking with someone today and this person told me that the stored procedure doesn't work as expected

Here is what the simplified code looked like

@SomeParam int,
@SomeOtherParam int = 1,
@SomeThirdParam int
SELECT @SomeOtherParam

The person told me that when calling the proc and passing in NULL, the value would be NULL, he expected the value to be 1 since that is the default. Running the code like this will return the value NULL

EXEC prTest 1,null,3

In order to omit this parameter you can't be passing it in. If your parameter is the last one then you can just omit the value and pass in the first 2 parameters. If your parameter is not last,  then use named parameters instead of positional parameters. if you run the query like this, you will get back the value 1
EXEC prTest @SomeParam = 1,@SomeThirdParam = 3

Here is an example where the last parameter has a default
@SomeParam int,
@SomeOtherParam int ,
@SomeThirdParam int =3
SELECT @SomeThirdParam

Running that proc with just the first 2 values will return the default

EXEC prTest 1,2

So to recap..... a default will only be applied when the parameter is not passed in, if you pass in a NULL, which is technically the absence of a value, NULL will be used

Monday, September 07, 2015

It is ten years ago that I wrote my first blogpost

This month ten years ago I wrote my first blogpost, that post is Split a comma delimited string fast!
Looking at that post, it makes me cringe, it is just a bunch of code and some comments, there is no other text anywhere. What was I thinking?

You can see all my posts for September 2005 here

You will laugh at the one about pinning a table into memory by using DBCC PINTABLE

Go and take a look at the first couple of blogpost you ever wrote, are you satisfied with it, would you change anything?

Also leave me a comment with a link to your first blogpost and I will check it out......