Tuesday, January 10, 2017

T-SQL Tuesday #86: String or binary data would be truncated

This month's T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Brent Ozar, he proposed the following

Find the most interesting bug or enhancement request (and it can be your own), and write a blog post about it (including a link to the Connect item so that folks who agree with you can upvote the item)

This one was pretty easy for me, it is the following connect  item Please fix the "String or binary data would be truncated" message to give the column name

This error drives me crazy as well, it should be fairly easy to tell me if nothing else what damn column barfed on the data inserted, but no.. all you get is something like

Msg 8152, Level 16, State 6, Procedure <ProcName>, Line 61 String or binary data would be truncated.

This is like not having the black box after a plane crashed, you know the plane crashed, but you don't know why exactly.

Dealing with this issue on a semi-regular basis, I even have written my own T-SQL helper to quickly see where the issue is

declare @ImportTable varchar(100)
declare @DestinationTable varchar(100)
select @ImportTable = 'temp'
select @DestinationTable = 'TestTrunc'
declare @ImportTableCompare varchar(100)
declare @DestinationTableCompare varchar(100)
select @ImportTableCompare = 'MaxLengths'
select @DestinationTableCompare = 'TempTrunc'
declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql  = ''
select @sql = 'select  0 as _col0 ,'
select @sql +=   'max(len( ' + column_name+ ')) AS ' + column_name + ',' 
from information_schema.columns
where table_name = @ImportTable
and data_type in('varchar','char','nvarchar','nchar')
select @sql = left(@sql,len(@sql) -1)
select @sql +=' into ' + @ImportTableCompare + ' from ' + @ImportTable
--select @sql -debugging so simple, a caveman can do it
exec (@sql)
select @sql  = ''
select @sql = 'select 0 as _col0, '
select @sql +=   '' + convert(varchar(20),character_maximum_length)
+ ' AS ' + column_name + ',' 
from information_schema.columns
where table_name = @DestinationTable
and data_type in('varchar','char','nvarchar','nchar')
select @sql = left(@sql,len(@sql) -1)
select @sql +=' into ' + @DestinationTableCompare
--select @sql -debugging so simple, a caveman can do it
exec (@sql)
select @sql  = ''
select @sql = 'select  '
select @sql +=   '' + 'case when  t.' + column_name + ' > tt.' + column_name
+ ' then ''truncation'' else ''no truncation'' end as '+ column_name
+ ',' 
from information_schema.columns
where table_name = @ImportTableCompare
and column_name <> '_col0'
select @sql = left(@sql,len(@sql) -1)
select @sql +='  from ' + @ImportTableCompare + ' t
join ' + @DestinationTableCompare + ' tt on t._col0 = tt._col0 '
--select @sql -debugging so simple, a caveman can do it
exec (@sql)
exec ('drop table ' + @ImportTableCompare+ ',' + @DestinationTableCompare )

Something like this only helps you if you have the data readily available, what if it is from an application? In that case you need profiler or extended events to capture the statement

It is also crazy that this connect item is almost 9 years old, it was opened in April 2008

We do have someone from Microsoft commenting on this issue last August

Posted by David [MSFT] on 8/5/2016 at 1:39 PM
Latest update - the developer working on it understands the challenges involved in creating a full fix. It may be tricky to plumb the information about columns needed to generate a full error message down to the actual conversion function in such a way that won't impact insert or update performance. We may implement something cheap in the short term such as logging the type and length of the data being truncated. It's still too early to know when such a fix would reach a publicly visible release.

This connect item has 1328 upvotes as of today, it also has 5 downvotes (who are these people..probably working on the SQL Server team :-) )

So there you have it that is my contribution to T-SQL Tuesday # 86, keep track of Brent's blog here https://www.brentozar.com/blog/ there will be a recap posted on Tuesday, January 2017

Saturday, January 07, 2017

BULK INSERT and csv format, new in vNext 1.1

In SQL Server vNext 1.1 we now have the ability to import a csv via the BULK INSERT command without having to specify the field or row terminator

 You still need to specify the format, if you only do something like the following

BULK INSERT AlexaSongs  
   FROM 'c:\Songs played with Alexa.csv'  

You will be greeted with these errors

Msg 4832, Level 16, State 1, Line 10
Bulk load: An unexpected end of file was encountered in the data file.
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 10
The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 10
Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".

So let's take a look at how this all works

First create the following table

USE tempdb

CREATE TABLE AlexaSongs(PlayDate varchar(100), 
   SongName varchar(200), 
   Artist varchar(200), 
   Album varchar(200))

Now grab the csv file from here Songs played with Alexa.csv  Either download the whole project and grab the file, or open in raw mode and copy and paste it into a file and save as Songs played with Alexa.csv

Now that you have the file and table ready, let's first take a look at how this was done before vNext 1.1

Here is what it looked like

BULK INSERT AlexaSongs  
   FROM 'c:\Songs played with Alexa.csv'  
        FIELDTERMINATOR =',',  
        ROWTERMINATOR = '\n'

As you can see, we specified a comma as the field terminator and a newline as the row terminator

You could also get it to work by just specifying the field terminator in this case

BULK INSERT AlexaSongs  
   FROM 'c:\Songs played with Alexa.csv'  

So what does the new syntax look like?

Here is the code that accomplished the same as above but by using the new WITH FORMAT = CSV option

FROM 'c:\Songs played with Alexa.csv' 

I guess you could say it is a little cleaner, but all this really is is syntactic sugar

For Azure, it looks like this, I grabbed this straight from this Books On Line Page here

First you need to create a data source

    WITH  (
        LOCATION = 'https://newinvoices.blob.core.windows.net', 
        CREDENTIAL = UploadInvoices  

And then you use that data source

FROM 'week3/inv-2017-01-19.csv'
WITH (DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureInvoices',
      FORMAT = 'CSV'); 

For more examples including accessing data in a CSV file referencing a container in an Azure blob storage location go here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt805207.aspx

That's all for today

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Running queries against the songs you played with Alexa

My son got an Amazon Echo for Christmas. We use the Echo mostly to play music. I have setup IFTTT (If This Then That) to save the name of any song we play in a Google Sheet.

Between December 26 and January 1st we played a little over 1000 songs. Most of the time I would just say something like "Alexa, play 80s music" or "Alexa, play 70s music" this is why you might see songs from the same period played in a row

It is no coincidence that a lot of George Michael songs were played, he died on Christmas day. The most played song was requested by my youngest son Nicholas, he loves Demons by Imagine Dragons

I decided to import the Alexa data into SQL Server and run some queries. If you want to follow along, you can get the file here from GitHub: Songs played by Alexa

I exported the Google Sheet to a tab delimited file, I saved this file on my C drive, I created a table and did a BULK INSERT to populate this table with the data from this file

USE tempdb

CREATE TABLE AlexaSongs(PlayDate varchar(100), 
   SongName varchar(200), 
   Artist varchar(200), 
   Album varchar(200))

BULK INSERT AlexaSongs  
   FROM 'c:\Songs played with Alexa.tsv'  
        FIELDTERMINATOR =' ',  
        ROWTERMINATOR = '\n'

 The date in the file is not a format that can be converted automatically, it looks like this  December 26, 2016 at 09:53AM

I decided to add a date column and then convert that value with T-SQL. I did this by using the REPLACE function and replacing ' at ' with  ' '

ALTER TABLE  AlexaSongs ADD DatePlayed datetime

UPDATE AlexaSongs
SET DatePlayed =  CONVERT(datetime, replace(playdate,' at ',' '))

Now that this is all done, we can run some queries
What is the artist which we played the most?

SELECT Artist, count(SongName) As SongCount 
FROM AlexaSongs

Artist SongCount
George Michael 33
Nirvana 32
Imagine Dragons 22
Josh Groban 19
Eagles 17
Stone Temple Pilots 17
Mariah Carey 16
Meghan Trainor 15
Simon & Garfunkel 13
Pearl Jam 12

As you can see that is George Michael

How about if we want to know how many unique songs we played by artist?

SELECT Artist, count(DISTINCT SongName) As DistinctSongCount 
FROM AlexaSongs
ORDER BY DistinctSongCount DESC

Artist DistinctSongCount
Nirvana 25
Stone Temple Pilots 16
George Michael 15
Eagles 12
Simon & Garfunkel 12
Josh Groban 12
Mariah Carey 11
Michael Bubl+¬ 9
Snoop Dogg 9
Harry Connick Jr. 9

In this case Nirvana wins

How about the 10 most played songs? To answer that question and grab ties, we can use WITH TIES

SELECT TOP 10 WITH TIES Artist, SongName, COUNT(*) As SongCount 
FROM AlexaSongs
GROUP BY Artist,SongName

Here are the results
Artist SongName SongCount
Imagine Dragons Radioactive 12
Jason Mraz I'm Yours 9
Pearl Jam Yellow Ledbetter 6
Josh Groban When You Say You Love Me 5
Oasis Wonderwall (Remastered) 4
House Of Pain Jump Around [Explicit] 4
Meghan Trainor Lips Are Movin 4
Imagine Dragons Round And Round 4
Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit 4
Sir Mix-A-Lot Baby Got Back [Explicit] 4
George Michael Careless Whisper 4
George Michael Faith (Remastered) 4
George Michael Father Figure 4
George Michael Freedom! '90 4

So what other interesting queries can you come up with? How about how many Christmas related songs were there? Would the query look something like this?

SELECT TOP 10 WITH TIES Artist, SongName, COUNT(*) As SongCount 
FROM AlexaSongs
WHERE SongName LIKE '%christmas%'
OR SongName LIKE '%xmas%'
OR SongName LIKE '%santa%'
GROUP BY Artist,SongName

Maybe you would want to know how many songs you played per day?

SELECT CONVERT(date, DatePlayed) as TheDate, count(*)
FROM AlexaSongs
GROUP BY CONVERT(date, DatePlayed)

Or maybe you want to know how many songs with the same title were sung by more than 1 artist?
Is this what the query would look like?

SELECT SongName, count(DISTINCT Artist) As SongCount 
FROM AlexaSongs

If you want the song as well as the artist, you can use a windowing function with DENSE_RANK

;WITH cte AS(
SELECT   Artist, SongName, 
    ORDER BY Artist ) AS SongCount
FROM AlexaSongs )  

SELECT * FROM cte WHERE SongCount > 1

That is all for this post, I will keep collecting this data till next Christmas and hopefully will be able to run some more interesting queries