Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Some numbers that you will know by heart if you have been working with SQL Server for a while

This is just a quick and fun post.

I was troubleshooting a deadlock the other day and it got me thinking.... I know the number 1205 by heart and know it is associated to a deadlock.  What other numbers are there that you can associate to an event or object or limitation. For example 32767 will be known by a lot of people as the database id of the ResourceDb, master is 1, msdb is 4 etc etc.

So below is a list of numbers I thought of

Leave me a comment with any numbers that you know by heart

BTW I didn't do the limits for int, smallint etc etc, those are the same in all programming not unique to SQL Server

You use -1 with DBCC TRACESTATUS to see what trace flags are enabled on your system

For example on a brand new instance, I turned on these 3 trace flags, then when I check tracestatus, I get them back in the output

DBCC TRACEON (3605,1204,1222,-1)

TraceFlag Status Global Session
1204 1 1 0
1222 1 1 0
3605 1 1 0

You can only have 1 clustered index per table. This is also a favorite interview question, asking people to explain why there can only be 1 clustered index

The smallest fraction second number in a datetime datatype is 3

Fractions of a seconds are rounded to increments of .000, .003, or .007 seconds

This means the value after 000 midnight is .003 seconds

Take a look at this

DECLARE @d DATETIME = '2019-03-19 23:59:59.997'

SELECT @d AS orig,
 dateadd(ms,1,@d) AS orig1ms,
 dateadd(ms,2,@d) AS orig2ms,
 dateadd(ms,3,@d) AS orig3ms,
 dateadd(ms,4,@d) AS orig4ms,
 dateadd(ms,5,@d) AS orig5ms


2019-03-19 23:59:59.997
2019-03-19 23:59:59.997
2019-03-20 00:00:00.000
2019-03-20 00:00:00.000
2019-03-20 00:00:00.000
2019-03-20 00:00:00.003

This is also the reason you will see datetimes in queries ending in the following values for the time portion '23:59:59.997'.  It will mostly be used with BETWEEN

For example

FROM SomeTable
WHERE SomeDAte BETWEEN '2019-03-19' and '2019-03-19 23:59:59.997'

WHICH of course is the same as the query below

FROM SomeTable
WHERE SomeDAte >='2019-03-19'
AND SomeDAte  < '2019-03-20'

But it's less typing to use between   :-)

Another one with the number 3 is the /3GB flag you could set in the boot.ini file. In that case if you had a 32 bit 4 GB system, SQL Server could now use 3GB instead of only 2GB.... oh the good old times  :-)

STATS = 10

When you script out a BACKUP or RESTORE command, it will by default use STATS =10, so every 10% you will get a message like below

10 percent processed.
20 percent processed.
30 percent processed.
40 percent processed.
50 percent processed.

For big databases, I like to use STATS = 1

If you have been using SQL Server for a while, you might see this in the error log

SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence(s) of I/O requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete on file [D:\SomeFilename.ldf] in database
  The OS file handle is 0x0000000000000950.  The offset of the latest long I/O is: 0x000000545eb200

There are several reasons why this might happen

1. SQL Server is spawning more I/O requests than what the I/O disk subsystem could handle.

2 . There could be an issue with the I/O subsystem (or) driver/firmware issue (or) Misconfiguration in the I/O Subsystem (or) Compression is turned on, so the Disks are performing very slow and thus SQL Server is affected by this

3. Some other process on the system is saturating the disks with I/O requests. Common application includes AV Scan,System Backup Etc.

Session ids which are smaller than 50 are system... You would filter this out from sp_who2 to get all the user generated sessions (not always true I have seen mirroring spids being between 51 and 70 on one my servers)

These days you would use is_user_process instead

So instead of this query

FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS es WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE es.session_id > 50

You would use this one

FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS es WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE es.is_user_process = 1

The five nines.. everyone knows this number... a 99.999% uptime certification means that the service or application will only be down for approximately five minutes and 15 seconds every year.

The default for MAXRECURSION in a recursive CTE

Identifier length (name of table, column etc etc)

128 is plenty, I still remember some FoxPro databases where the length could not exceed 8, then you would end up with Addrln1 etc etc

Here is a repo script that will attempt to create a table where the name is 130 characters in length


DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(500)  = 'create table ' + @Ident +'(id int)'

EXEC( @sql )

And it blows up with the following error
Msg 103, Level 15, State 4, Line 1
The identifier that starts with 'AAAA.....AAA' is too long. Maximum length is 128.

Page Life Expectancy is 300 seconds, meaning SQL Server can only keep those pages in memory for 300 seconds after reading them.  This number is quoted all over the place that indicates you have issues if you fall below that. Is the number 300 still correct? Start here

900 bytes for a clustered index. But then again if you have such a wide clustered index and several nonclustered indexes... good luck!

Nonclustered indexes you can have per table
I believe this number used to be 249 or 254 back in the day... but I guess it changed after that monstrosity sharepoint came into existence

Ah yes, who doesn't remember this number. It usually starts with someone saying that they don't see any job history for the job they created on the new server

Hmmm, you already know the answer don't you?
You go and open up SQL Agent-->Properties-->History
And what do you see?

Maximum job history log size: 1000
Maximum job history rows per job: 100

Ah yes..those nasty defaults

Or someone was evil and executed the proc sp_purge_jobhistory for your job  :-)

Transaction (Process ID %d) was deadlocked on %.*ls resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

Use this trace flag to return the resources and types of locks that are participating in a deadlock and also the current command affected

The default port SQL Server is listening on

You can have 1,700 bytes for a nonclustered index.

Parameters per stored procedure or user-defined function

Tried that one as well...
declare @d varchar(max) = 'create procedure prtest  '

;with cte as (
select number from master..spt_values
where type = 'p'
select number + 2048 from master..spt_values
where type = 'p'

select top 2101 @d += '@i' + convert(varchar(10),number)  + ' int ,'
from  cte

select @d = left(@d, len(@d) -1) + 'as select 1 as Test'


And here is the error

Msg 180, Level 15, State 1, Procedure prtest, Line 1
There are too many parameters in this CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The maximum number is 2100.

Oh your errorlog is full of messages like these?

Those are not really errors are they?

To stop logging all of your backup success entries to the error log, use traceflag 3226

Like I showed in the section for number -1, you would use traceflag 3605 alongside traceflags 1204 and 1222 to send deadlock information to the error log

Columns per SELECT statement.  Really who has such a query?

Hmm, I just had to try that out

declare @d varchar(max) = 'select top 1 '

;with cte as (
select number from master..spt_values
where type = 'p'
select number + 2048 from master..spt_values
where type = 'p'
union all
select 4096)

select @d += 'name as [' + convert(varchar(10),number)  + '] ,'
from  cte

select @d = left(@d, len(@d) -1) + 'from sys.objects'


(1 row(s) affected)
Msg 1056, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
The number of elements in the select list exceeds the maximum allowed number of 4096 elements.

Also 4096 is the default network packet size

Traceflag 4199 Enables query optimizer (QO) fixes released in SQL Server Cumulative Updates and Service Packs. See also the hint 'ENABLE_QUERY_OPTIMIZER_HOTFIXES' from SQL Server 2016 SP1 onwards

Bytes per page
The number of bytes a page can hold.. and also the number of bytes a row can hold (not taking into account row overflow data types)

Partitions per partitioned table or index
I think this used to be either 999 or 1000...don't remember exactly

This is database id of the ResourceDb

Monday, March 18, 2019

Stay relevant and marketable

It has been a while since I wrote some of my best practices posts. I decided to revisit these posts again to see if anything has changed, I also wanted to see if I could add some additional info.

Whenever I interview people for a DB position, I always ask what the latest version is that they have used. I will also ask if they have used the version that is in beta now. More often than not I will get an answer that they are still running something that is two versions behind. Then I ask if they have installed the latest and greatest on their home computer. The answer to that question is usually no.

This to me is crazy, surely you can't be in this field just for the money, where is the passion for discovering new things? Imagine you are a person who makes tables, after a while you will become a master and there is not much more for you to learn. The curse and the blessing of technology is that it is changing, and it is changing rapidly. If you don't invest time after work, before work and over the weekend to discover new things, play with the newest versions and sharpen your skill you will become obsolete, there are many people like that, they fall apart during the interview process.

But I have no time to do all this additional work

People will complain that they don't have enough time to do these additional things. Here are some things you can do if you are short on time. If commuting by public transportation read a book or download the latest papers about the newest versions of the product and read them. If you workout try listening to podcast while doing your aerobic exercises. Perhaps you can set the speed on your player to be 30% faster, this way you can get more podcasts in the same amount of time.

Ask yourself what will help you advance, having up to date skill or being up to date with the latest episodes of Billions, Narcos or American Gods? Another option is to watch the shows on the train on a tablet and then do the tech stuff at home.
Attend an launch event or go to your local usergroup meeting, there are usually sessions on the latest and greatest versions of the software. Youtube also has tons of free sessions.

Here are the Amazon AWS re:Invent 2018 breakout sessions

The Microsoft Ignite sessions can be found here:

The Google Developer sessions can be found here:

Database related sessions: Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure SQL Database and SQL Server sessions from the Build 2018 conference

Do you eat lunch? If so,  instead of going out for lunch, bring your lunch to the office. While eating your lunch at your desk, watch some of the sessions listed above or read some documentation or books about technologies that you are interested in. If you prefer to read and you want to learn about SQl Server Execution Plans? Head on over to Hugo Kornelis' SQL Server Execution Plan Reference site

Step outside your comfort zone

Try out some other things, become a polyglot programmer. If you are a Java developer, give Scala or Clojure a try. If you are a .NET developer then try out F#, IronPython or Boo. If you are a SQL Server guy why not start playing around with Oracle, PostgreSQL or perhaps even a flavor of NoSQL, take a look at MongoDB, CouchDB, Cassandra and other solutions.

Have you looked at Big Data? This is already getting big and it will only get bigger. Ever heard of Hadoop? No, heard of facebook? Sure you have, guess what, facebook claims to have the biggest Hadoop cluster, It is over 100 Petabytes and it grows by about half a Petabyte per day, and you thought your database was big :-)

Trends are cyclical, every 10 years or so something new and big comes along. In the late 90s this was data warehousing, OLAP cubes, dimensions, fact tables. Every company these days does some sort of data warehousing. Now it is big data, data science, AI and machine learning that is new and shiny. Take a look at some of that stuff

Finally have you looked at the cloud yet? If you have not... I beg you to take a look. 
If you think that you need to have money to get started, this is not true

You can start with the free tiers to get some experience. All 3 major could providers offer free tiers

Here are the links to these free tiers in order of cloud vendor by market share

Amazon Webservices

Microsoft Azure

Google Cloud

That's it for this post.... happy learning.....

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Use sys.configurations to find features that are enabled but perhaps not used

It has been a while since I wrote some of my best practices posts. I decided to revisit these posts again to see if anything has changed, I also wanted to see if I could add some additional info.

Today we are going to look at servers where everything is installed and enabled. Before we start this post let's look back in time a little. Before SQL Server 2005 came out when you installed SQL Server pretty much everything was turned on by default. This of course widened the attack vector against the database servers. With SQL Server 2005 pretty much everything is turned off and you have to turn the features on if you want to use them. Now sometimes some admins will just turn everything on because that way they don't have to deal with this later, these are also the same kind of people who insist that the account needs to be db_owner otherwise their code won't work.

To see what these features are and if they are turned off, you can use the following query.

SELECT name, value,value_in_use 
FROM sys.configurations
WHERE name IN (
'Agent XPs',
'SQL Mail XPs',
'Database Mail XPs',
'SMO and DMO XPs',
'Ole Automation Procedures',
'SQL Mail XPs',
'external scripts enabled',
'Web Assistant Procedures',
'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',
'hadoop connectivity',
'polybase enabled',
'Replication XPs',
'clr enabled')

Here is what the output looks like on my laptop

sys.configurations output

The difference between value and value_in_use is that value_in_use is what is currently used and value will be used next time the server is restarted. If you want to have the change take effect immediately then use RECONFIGURE

As you can see xp_cmdshell is turned on

Here is an example that will turn off xp_cmdshell

EXECUTE sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
EXECUTE sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', '0'
EXECUTE sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0

To enable a feature use the value 1, to disable a feature use the value 0

If you prefer the GUI, you can also use that, right click on the database server name in SSMS, select Facets, from the Facet drop down select Surface Area Configuration. You will see the following Surface Area Configuration properties

Here you can enable or disable the features you are interested in. You can also export these properties as a policy to use on other servers so that the features are the same on all your servers

Installing everything by default

Here I have mixed feelings myself about what to do. On one hand I don't like to install SSAS or SSRS if there is no need for it, on the other hand I don't feel like adding that stuff 6 months down the road if there is suddenly a need for it. If I do install it, I make sure it at least doesn't run by default but it is disabled.

There is no benefit in having SSAS, SSRS or SSIS running and using CPU cycles as well as RAM if nobody is using these services. If you do install it and nobody uses it, disable the services, you will have more RAM and CPU cycles for the SQL Server service available.

One more thing I want to mention is that I have run into something like this many times.... The Dev or Test server has everything enabled. We deploy to production and oops...  CLR is not enabled (quick fix) or SSRS/SSAS is not installed (need to install it, will take longer)

So make sure before deploying that you check what is enabled and installed on the production box

Monday, February 18, 2019

Calculating Sexy Primes, Prime Triplets and Sexy Prime Triplets in SQL Server

The other day I was reading something on Hackernews and someone posted a link to a Sexy Primes wikipedia article.  I looked at that and then decided to do this in SQL Server because.. why not?

From that wikipedia link:

In mathematics, sexy primes are prime numbers that differ from each other by six. For example, the numbers 5 and 11 are both sexy primes, because 11 minus 5 is 6.

The term "sexy prime" is a pun stemming from the Latin word for six: sex.

If p + 2 or p + 4 (where p is the lower prime) is also prime, then the sexy prime is part of a prime triplet.

Ok I did a couple of versions of this over the weekend,  I also did a PostgreSQL version: Calculating Sexy Primes, Prime Triplets and Sexy Prime Triplets in PostgreSQL

So first we need a table that will just have the prime numbers

I decided to populate a table with numbers from 2 till 500 and then use the sieve of Eratosthenes method to delete the non primes

This will look like this

CREATE TABLE #PrimeNumbers(n int)

INSERT INTO #PrimeNumbers
SELECT number 
FROM master..spt_values 
WHERE type = 'P'
AND number between 2 and 500

--Sieve method
SET @I = 2
WHILE @I <= SQRT(500)
    DELETE FROM #PrimeNumbers WHERE N % @I = 0 AND N > @I
    SET @I = @I + 1

SELECT * FROM #PrimeNumbers

Thinking about it a little more I decided to do it with a CTE instead of a loop with delete statements, if your tables will be big then the delete method is probably better... it's for you to test that out :-)

What we are doing is a NOT EXISTS query against the same cte and we are filtering out numbers that are greater than the number in the current row and are not divisible by the current number

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#PrimeNumbers') IS NOT NULL
 DROP TABLE #PrimeNumbers

CREATE TABLE #PrimeNumbers(n int)

;WITH cte AS (
  SELECT number n
FROM master..spt_values 
WHERE type = 'P'
AND number between 2 and 500
), PrimeNumbers as (
FROM cte
  SELECT n FROM  cte as cte2
WHERE cte.n > cte2.n AND cte.n % cte2.n = 0)

INSERT #PrimeNumbers
SELECT * FROM PrimeNumbers

SELECT * FROM #PrimeNumbers

If we run that last select statement, we should have 95 rows


Now that we have our table filled with prime numbers till 500, it's time to run the queries

Sexy prime pairs
The sexy primes (sequences OEIS: A023201 and OEIS: A046117 in OEIS) below 500 are:

(5,11), (7,13), (11,17), (13,19), (17,23), (23,29), (31,37), (37,43), (41,47), (47,53), (53,59), (61,67), (67,73), (73,79), (83,89), (97,103), (101,107), (103,109), (107,113), (131,137), (151,157), (157,163), (167,173), (173,179), (191,197), (193,199), (223,229), (227,233), (233,239), (251,257), (257,263), (263,269), (271,277), (277,283), (307,313), (311,317), (331,337), (347,353), (353,359), (367,373), (373,379), (383,389), (433,439), (443,449), (457,463), (461,467).

Here is that query for the sexy prime pairs

-- 46 rows.. sexy primes
SELECT t1.N,t2.N 
 FROM #PrimeNumbers t1
join #PrimeNumbers t2 on t2.N - t1.N = 6 
order by 1

It's very simple.. a self join that returns rows where the number from one table alias and the number from the other table alias differ by 6

Prime triplets
The first prime triplets below 500 (sequence A098420 in the OEIS) are

(5, 7, 11), (7, 11, 13), (11, 13, 17), (13, 17, 19), (17, 19, 23), (37, 41, 43), (41, 43, 47), (67, 71, 73), (97, 101, 103), (101, 103, 107), (103, 107, 109), (107, 109, 113), (191, 193, 197), (193, 197, 199), (223, 227, 229), (227, 229, 233), (277, 281, 283), (307, 311, 313), (311, 313, 317), (347, 349, 353), (457, 461, 463), (461, 463, 467)

A prime triplet contains a pair of twin primes (p and p + 2, or p + 4 and p + 6), a pair of cousin primes (p and p + 4, or p + 2 and p + 6), and a pair of sexy primes (p and p + 6).

So we need to check that the 1st and 3rd number have a difference of 6, we also check that that difference between number 1 and 2 is 2 or 4.  That query looks like this

-- 22 rows.. Prime Triplets
SELECT t1.N AS N1,t2.N AS N2, t3.N AS N3
 FROM #PrimeNumbers t1
join #PrimeNumbers t2 on t2.N > t1.N 
join #PrimeNumbers t3 on t3.N - t1.N = 6
and t3.N > t2.N
and t2.n - t1.n IN (2,4)
order by 1

Sexy prime triplets
Triplets of primes (p, p + 6, p + 12) such that p + 18 is composite are called sexy prime.  p p, p+6 and p+12 are all prime, but p+18 is not

Those below 500 (sequence OEIS: A046118) are:

(7,13,19), (17,23,29), (31,37,43), (47,53,59), (67,73,79), (97,103,109), (101,107,113), (151,157,163), (167,173,179), (227,233,239), (257,263,269), (271,277,283), (347,353,359), (367,373,379)

The query looks like this.. instead of a self join, we do a triple self join, we also check that p + 18 is not a prime number in the line before the order by

-- 14 rows.. Sexy prime triplets
SELECT t1.N AS N1,t2.N AS N2, t3.N AS N3
 FROM #PrimeNumbers t1
join #PrimeNumbers t2 on t2.n - t1.n = 6
join #PrimeNumbers t3 on t3.N - t1.N = 12
and t3.N > t2.N
AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT null FROM #PrimeNumbers p WHERE p.n = t1.n +18)
order by 1

And that's it for this post.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Finding rows where the column starts or ends with a 'bad' character

A coworker came to me asking me for some help. He had some issues trying to convert some data from a staging table to numeric. I asked him to show me the data in SSMS and at first glance it looked good to me. Then I asked where the data came from, he said it came from Excel.

Aha... I have plenty of war stories with Excel so I said, it's probably some non printable character that is in the column.. either a tab (char(9)) or a non breaking space (char(160))..especially if the value was copied from the internet

He said isnumeric was returning 0 for rows that looked valid, I then told him to run this query on those rows

FROM StagingData s

That would give them the ascii numerical value. For example a tab is 9, linefeed =  10....

Here is a chart for the characters between 0 and 32
BinaryOctDecHexAbbreviation[b][c][d]Name (1967)
000 0000000000NULLNUL␀^@\0Null
000 0001001101SOMSOH␁^AStart of Heading
000 0010002202EOASTX␂^BStart of Text
000 0011003303EOMETX␃^CEnd of Text
000 0100004404EOT␄^DEnd of Transmission
000 0101005505WRUENQ␅^EEnquiry
000 0110006606RUACK␆^FAcknowledgement
000 0111007707BELLBEL␇^G\aBell
000 1000010808FE0BS␈^H\bBackspace[e][f]
000 1001011909HT/SKHT␉^I\tHorizontal Tab[g]
000 1010012100ALF␊^J\nLine Feed
000 1011013110BVTABVT␋^K\vVertical Tab
000 1100014120CFF␌^L\fForm Feed
000 1101015130DCR␍^M\rCarriage Return[h]
000 1110016140ESO␎^NShift Out
000 1111017150FSI␏^OShift In
001 00000201610DC0DLE␐^PData Link Escape
001 00010211711DC1␑^QDevice Control 1 (often XON)
001 00100221812DC2␒^RDevice Control 2
001 00110231913DC3␓^SDevice Control 3 (often XOFF)
001 01000242014DC4␔^TDevice Control 4
001 01010252115ERRNAK␕^UNegative Acknowledgement
001 01100262216SYNCSYN␖^VSynchronous Idle
001 01110272317LEMETB␗^WEnd of Transmission Block
001 10000302418S0CAN␘^XCancel
001 10010312519S1EM␙^YEnd of Medium
001 1010032261AS2SSSUB␚^ZSubstitute
001 1011033271BS3ESC␛^[\e[i]Escape[j]
001 1100034281CS4FS␜^\File Separator
001 1101035291DS5GS␝^]Group Separator
001 1110036301ES6RS␞^^[k]Record Separator
001 1111037311FS7US␟^_Unit Separator


He then ran the following to grab all the rows that ended or started with tabs

SELECT * FROM StagingData s
WHERE LEFT(SomeColumn,1)  = char(9)
OR  RIGHT(SomeColumn,1)  = char(9)

So let's take another look at this to see how we can make this a little better

Let's create a table that will hold these bad characters that we don't want, in my case ACII values 1 untill 32

Here is what we will do to create and populate the table

CREATE TABLE BadCharacters(
  BadChar char(1) NOT NULL, 
  ASCIINumber int NOT NULL,
   CONSTRAINT pk_BadCharacters 


INSERT BadCharacters
SELECT char(number),number
WHERE type = 'P'
AND number BETWEEN 1 AND 32
OR number = 160

A quick look at the data looks like this

SELECT * FROM BadCharacters

 Now let's create our staging table and insert some data so that we can do some tests

CREATE TABLE StagingData (SomeColumn varchar(255) )

INSERT StagingData
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),s1.number) + '.' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),s2.number)
FROM master..SPT_VALUES s1
WHERE s1.type = 'P'
AND s2.type = 'P'

That inserted 4194304 rows on my machine

Time to insert some of that bad data

Here is what some of the data inserted will look like


And this is the query to generated and insert those bad rows, on my machine it generated 1089 such rows

;WITH cte as(SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),number) as num
WHERE type = 'P'
AND number BETWEEN 1 AND 1000)

--INSERT StagingData
SELECT  b.BadChar + c1.num + '.' + c2.num + b2.BadChar
FROM cte c1
JOIN BadCharacters b on c1.num = b.ASCIINumber
JOIN BadCharacters b2 on c2.num = b2.ASCIINumber

The query create a value by using a bad value, a number a dot a number and a bad value, you can see those values above

Now it's time to find these bad rows, but before we do that, let's add an index

CREATE INDEX ix_StagingData on StagingData(SomeColumn)

OK, we are ready...

Of course I here you saying, why don't we just do this

SELECT * FROM StagingData
WHERE TRY_CONVERT(numeric(20,10),SomeColumn) IS NULL

Well, yes that gives me everything that can't be converted to numeric, but I want to see what those characters are

Before we start, let's set statistics io on so that we can look at some performance


Here are the queries to find the bad characters at the start

SELECT * FROM StagingData s
JOIN BadCharacters b on b.BadChar = LEFT(s.SomeColumn,1)

SELECT * FROM StagingData s
JOIN BadCharacters b on s.SomeColumn like b.BadChar +'%'

Here is what the reads look like

(1089 row(s) affected)
Table 'BadCharacters'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 0, logical reads 0, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'StagingData'. Scan count 9, logical reads 10851, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

(1089 row(s) affected)
Table 'BadCharacters'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'StagingData'. Scan count 33, logical reads 135, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 0, logical reads 0, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

As you can see from the stats, the top query is non-SARGable and generates a lot more reads, the bottom query can use the index. Always make sure to write your queries in a way so that SQL Server can you an index

What about the last character, how can we find those

SELECT * FROM StagingData s
JOIN BadCharacters b on b.BadChar = RIGHT(s.SomeColumn,1)

SELECT * FROM StagingData s
JOIN BadCharacters b on s.SomeColumn like +'%' + b.BadChar 

Here are the stats again

(1089 row(s) affected)
Table 'BadCharacters'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 0, logical reads 0, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'StagingData'. Scan count 9, logical reads 10851, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

(1089 row(s) affected)
Table 'BadCharacters'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'StagingData'. Scan count 33, logical reads 445863, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 13, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 0, logical reads 0, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

So both of these queries suck the life out of your SQL Server instance, so what can be done?

One thing we can do is add a computed column to the table that will hold just the last character of the column, then we can index the computed column

Here are the commands to do that

ALTER TABLE StagingData ADD RightChar as RIGHT(SomeColumn,1)

CREATE INDEX ix_RightChar on StagingData(RightChar)

And now we can just run the same queries again

SELECT * FROM StagingData s
JOIN BadCharacters b on b.BadChar = RIGHT(s.SomeColumn,1)

SELECT * FROM StagingData s
JOIN BadCharacters b on s.SomeColumn like +'%' + b.BadChar 

Here are the stats

(1089 row(s) affected)
Table 'StagingData'. Scan count 33, logical reads 1223, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'BadCharacters'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

(1089 row(s) affected)
Table 'StagingData'. Scan count 33, logical reads 1223, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'BadCharacters'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

Did you expect to get the same exact reads for both queries?

So what is going on?  Well lets take a look

In both cases, the optimizer was smart enough to use the index on the computed column

Hopefully this will make someone's life easier and you can expand the table to add other character you consider bad.  You can also add constraint to reject values or you can add triggers and then move those bad rows to a bad rows table

Finally if you need to worry about unicode you might want to change the table to be nvarchar

Enjoy.. importing that data..... we all's only getting bigger and bigger