Monday, August 02, 2021

How to connect to a SQL Server instance on a different domain and a non default port number?


We have several domains at my job, we have a dev domain, a prod domain and then several other domains. Recently we had some domain changes where we would connect to a different domain when logging in from the laptops.

When opening up SSMS and connecting to the SQL Server instances, we now need to use a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and also specify the port number and the instance name. This could seem a little confusing if you have never done this

Here is what it looks like if for example your instance is listening on port 8000, the instance name is SQL01, the server name is DevSQL01 and the domain name is

You would put the following in server name,8000\SQL01


To make is easier to see... here it is again with different colors for the different parts,8000\SQL01

The server name is DevSQL01

The domain name is

The port number is 8000

The instance name in SQL01

The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in this case is of course

Hopefully this helps someone in the future

Monday, March 15, 2021

After 20+ years in IT .. I finally discovered this useful command

Very similar to my  After 20+ years in IT .. I finally discovered this... post, I discovered yet another command I should have know about

Originally I was not going to write this post, but after I found out that several other people didn't know this, I figured what the heck, why not, maybe someone will think this is cool as well

Open up a command prompt or powershell command window, , navigate to a folder, type in tree... hit enter

Here is what I see

Tree dos command

I was watching a Pluralsight course and the person typed in the tree command.. and I was like whoaaaa.. How do I not know this?  Perhaps maybe because I don't use the command window all that much?  Anyway I thought that this was pretty cool

As you can see tree list all the directories and sub directories in a tree like structure. This is great to quickly see all the directories in one shot

The same command will work in Powershell

tree command in Powershell

Finally, here is an image of the command window output as well as the explorer navigation pane side by side

command window output as well as the explorer navigation pane side by side

Hopefully this will be useful to someone