Showing posts with label SQL Server 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SQL Server 2008. Show all posts

Monday, January 16, 2012

SQL Advent Recap and What is coming in SQL Server 2012 recap

In case you missed these, here is a recap of the SQL Advent and the SQL Server 2012 posts

SQL Advent Recap

Day 1: Date and time
In this post I covered the new date, datetime2 and time datatypes
Day 2: System tables and catalog views
In this post we took a look what the replacements are for the all system tables and also gave you a table with the new catalog view/compatibility view equivalent of the old system table
Day 3: Partitioning
In this post I looked at partitioning in pre sql 2005 days by showing you how to create partitioned views. I also showed you how to user partitioned function in sql 2005 and up
Day 4: Schemas
In this post I show you what schemas are and how they can help with security and logical grouping of objects
Day 5: Common Table Expressions
The Common Table Expressions post showed you what Common Table Expressions are and how they can be used to simplify your code
Day 6: Windowing functions
The Windowing functions post showed you how to do different kinds of rankings
Day 7: Crosstab with PIVOT
This post was all about pivoting/transposing/crosstabbing data with the PIVOT operator, also was shown how to do it dynamically
This post showed you how to use UNPIVOT to get the reversed effect of PIVOT
Day 9: Dynamic TOP
The dynamic TOP post showed you how to do dynamic TOP without dynamic SQL or SET ROWCOUNT
Day 10: Upsert by using the Merge statement
This post was all about how to use MERGE to do an UPSERT (Update if it exists otherwise insert)
Day 11: DML statements with the OUTPUT clause
This post showed the usefulness of the OUTPUT clause
Day 12: Table Value Constructor
This post showed you how to use Table Value Constructor
Day 13: DDL Triggers
The DDL trigger post showed you how to use DDL triggers and also explained why you might want to use them
Day 14: EXCEPT and INTERSECT SET Operations
This post was all about the two new SET Operations EXCEPT and INTERSECT 
Day 15: Joins
This post showed you how to use the newer ANSI SQL JOIN syntax and also showed you what was deprecated
Shown was how to use APPLY with derived tables as well as functions
Day 17: varchar(max)
In this post I showed you why varchar(max) is much better than the text data type
Day 18: Table-valued Parameters
I showed you how to use Table-valued Parameters to pass around tables
Day 19: Filtered Indexes
In this post I showed you how to create a filtered index and why it can be beneficial in your database
Day 20: Indexes with Included Columns
On this day I showed you how to cover you query by using Indexes with Included Columns
Error handling go better in SQL Server 2005 and I show you how to use TRY CATCH
Day 22: Dynamic Management Views
In this post I show how you can use Dynamic Management Views to get all kinds of information about your server and databases
The OBJECT_DEFINITION covers ways to get the text of an object and also show you why it is better than sp_helptext or syscomments
This post is all about rebuilding and reorganizing(defragmenting) indexes

What is coming in SQL Server 2012
First look at SQL Server Management Studio Denali
In this post I show you what the new SQL Server Management Studio which is based on Visual Studio 2010 looks like
A first look at sequences in SQL Server Denali
Sequences finally made it into SQL Server, this post will show you how to use sequences
Screenshots of the new look and feel of BIDS in Denali
Business Intelligence Development Studio has a new look and feel, SSIS has never looked better
Debugging In SQL Server Denali
Debugging got much better in SQL Server 2012, this post will look at some of the new things
Using OFFSET N ROWS FETCH NEXT N ROWS ONLY In SQL Server Denali for easy paging
With OFFSET N ROWS FETCH NEXT N ROWS ONLY paging has never been easier
Playing around with sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set and sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object
The sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set and sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object data management views makes it easy to find out what a proc or SQL statement returns
A Quick look at the new IIF function in Denali CTP3
SQL Server now has the IIF statement, this is just shorthand for CASE but it will make for shorter code
A Quick look at the new EOMONTH function in SQL Server Denali CTP3
The EOMONTH function will give you the last date of the month
With DATEFROMPARTS and DATETIMEFROMPARTS you can construct a date by passing in a bunch of integers
ColumnStore Index limitations in SQL Server Denali CTP3
Some limitation that the current version of ColumnStore Index have
Concat function in SQL Server Denali CTP3
Finally SQL Server 2012 has the Concat, this is something other RDBMSes had for years
Format function in SQL Server Denali CTP3
Formatting has never been easier, no need to use style parameters anymore
SQL Server Columnstore Index FAQ wiki page published
Columnar storage is new in SQL Server 2012, make sure to read the wiki for all your questions
TRY_CONVERT in SQL Server Denali CTP3
Before converting, use TRY_CONVERT that will tell you if the value can be converted to the data type you want
SQL Server Code Name “Denali” CTP3 Product Guide available for download
There is some cool documentation available, this includes white papers and videos

Sunday, December 11, 2011

SQL Advent 2011 series of posts

I have started a series of post about upgrading your skills to 2005 and 2008 versions of your code from 2000. Below is a list of posts that are already up

Also check out the post Are you ready for SQL Server 2012 or are you still partying like it is 1999? which is the one that explains why I did this

Friday, October 31, 2008

SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 Beta and SQL Server 2008 Feature Pack October 2008 available for download

SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 Beta and SQL Server 2008 Feature Pack October 2008 are available for download

Download SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 - Beta here:

To obtain SQL Server 2005 SP3 Beta for Express Edition or Express Edition with Advanced Services go here:

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Feature Pack October 2008 is a collection of stand-alone install packages that provide additional value for SQL Server 2008. It includes the latest versions of:

  • Redistributable components for SQL Server 2008.
  • Add-on providers for SQL Server 2008.
  • Backward compatibility components for SQL Server 2008.
Download it here:

Monday, August 25, 2008

Interesting Bug/Feature In SQL Server 2008 RTM

Someone had a problem with 8 year old procs which started to fail after moving to SQL Server 2008
Of course he should have used ints, but let's see what happens

Run this code on SQL Server 2005 and 2000

DECLARE @num_Passed Numeric(2, 0);
SET @num_Passed = -1;
SELECT @num_Passed

IF (@num_Passed = 0)
PRINT 'True';

No problem right?

Run just this part on SQL 2008

DECLARE @num_Passed Numeric(2, 0);
SET @num_Passed = -1;

SELECT @num_Passed

No problem either
Now run this whole thing

DECLARE @num_Passed Numeric(2, 0);
SET @num_Passed = -1;
SELECT @num_Passed

IF (@num_Passed = 0)
PRINT 'True';

Oops, this is what we get
Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 7
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type tinyint.

Change the -1 to 1

DECLARE @num_Passed Numeric(2, 0);
SET @num_Passed = 1;
SELECT @num_Passed

IF (@num_Passed = 0)
PRINT 'True';

No problem either.

Run this

IF (convert(Numeric(2, 0),-1) = 0)
PRINT 'True';

That fails
Let's make it numeric(3,0)

IF (convert(Numeric(3, 0),-1) = 0)
PRINT 'True';

No problem, that runs fine. So is this a bug because of implicit conversion to tinyint which can't hold negative values?

Monday, July 07, 2008

sp_indexinfo an enhanced index information procedure

Tibor Karaszi has created a very useful index information stored procedure for SQL Server 2005 and up.
This stored procedure will tell you the following"

What indexes exists for a or each table(s)
Clustered, non-clustered or heap
Columns in the index
Included columns in the index
Unique or nonunique
Number rows in the table
Space usage
How frequently the indexes has been used

Check it out here:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

SQL Server 2008 Release Candidate 0 Available To The General Public For Download

SQL Server 2008 Release Candidate 0 has been made available to the general public.

There are 2 versions (and 3 flavors of each) ISO or DVD

Download it here:

Don't forget to also visit the SQL Server 2008 Release Candidate 0 connect site here:

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I was asked by a developer at work the other day why SQL Server does not have the create or replace syntax. I started thinking and there were some advantages and one big disadvantage

First the advantages

When scripting out a database you don’t have to generate if exists.....drop statements

When modifying an object from a file in source control you don’t have to change back and forth between CREATE and ALTER. This is really annoying sometimes; usually you create a proc or script out a proc and store it in Subversion/SourceSafe. Now you take that file, make some changes to the proc and run it. Of course it will tell you that the proc already exists, in general you don’t want to drop the proc and then execute the CREATE proc statement because then you have to worry about the permissions.(not everyone is running as dbo you know)

I can overwrite a proc without even knowing it. What if we both are working on a proc and somehow we pic the same name I create my proc, you work in a remote location, you create yours and mine is gone.

Of course it is all what you are used to, I am sure the Oracle guys are not overwriting each other’s procs every day either

So what do you think? Would you be in favor of this syntax or not? Can you think of more advantages or disadvantages?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How to rename a column in a SQL Server table without using the designer

If you have a table and you want to rename a column without using the designer, how can you do that?

First create this table

CREATE TABLE TestColumnChange(id int)
INSERT TestColumnChange VALUES(1)

SELECT * FROM TestColumnChange

As you can see the select statement returns id as the column name. you can use ALTER table ALTER Column to change the dataype of a column but not the name.

Here is what we will do, execute the statement below

EXEC sp_rename 'TestColumnChange.[id]', 'value', 'COLUMN'

Now do the select, you will see that the column name has changed

SELECT * FROM TestColumnChange

That is it, very simple

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Solutions for Common T-SQL Problems Wiki Launched

Volunteer Moderators and Answerers who support the Microsoft MSDN SQL Server Forums have launched a Wiki with Solutions for Common T-SQL Problems. Check it out here:

Monday, April 14, 2008

Use IDENT_CURRENT() to return the last identity value generated in all tables in a SQL Server Database

This is how you return all the tables with their last generated identity values in a SQL Server Database

WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'base table'
AND OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(table_name),'TableHasIdentity')=1

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

6th Annual Financial Services Developer Conference

I went to the 6th Annual Financial Services Developer Conference today in New York City. This year’s focus was on High Performance Computing (HPC). I must say that I have enjoyed this conference a lot. It seems that SQL Server is very prevalent on the street. The OLAP capabilities of SQL Server are making Sybase slowly disappear from Wall Street. Financial firms are doing some very interesting stuff; there is a hedge fund which records an earnings call, runs it through some voice stress analysis software and based on the outcome of that will short or long the stock. You should hear the stories of how financial firms handle IT, the innovation is happening in the financial markets. I also saw a couple of very cool WPF applications. Check out the demos from Lab49:
Visit to download The Silverlight 2 Retail Financial Services Demonstrator

Financial Services Developer Conference

Carl Franklin from Dotnetrocks recorded a podcast at the event, this podcast was about concurrency and how to handle multi-core programming. You should definitely check it out when it becomes available on dotnetrocks. If you are interested about PLINQ and concurrent programming with .NET then visit this site:

Dotnetrocks Podcast Recording

Tomorrow there are three sessions at the same time that I want to attend
Software Engineering with VSTS
Parallelize you .Net applications with parallel extensions to the .NET framework.
Useful evolution: Programming the New features in SQL Server 2008.

I have my blackcrackberry with me so if you are attending the event tomorrow then send me an email at and maybe we can discuss about this event during lunch.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

In SQL Server 2008 The CONVERT function is enhanced to allow conversions between binary and character hexadecimal values

SQL Server 2008 CTP 6 has enhanced the convert function when you do conversion between binary and character hexadecimal values
There are 3 styles:
Style 0 works the same as on 2005 it converts binary to varchar, if you have 0x64656E6973 then you will get 'denis'
Style 1 converts binary to varchar but the values stay the same, if you have 0x64656E6973 you will get '0x64656E6973'
Style 2 strips the 0x but leaves the rest of the values, if you have 0x64656E6973 you will get '64656E6973'

Try it out

When you run this

SELECT CONVERT(varbinary(5),'denis')

The output will be this 0x64656E6973. Now we can use that in the select statements below

SELECT CONVERT(varchar(18), 0x64656E6973, 0) AS 'Style 0' --denis
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(18), 0x64656E6973, 1) AS 'Style 1' --0x64656E6973
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(18), 0x64656E6973, 2) AS 'Style 2' --64656E6973

When you run the code above on SQL Server 2005 all 3 select statements return 'denis'

It is all in Books On Line for CTP 6, it would have been nice if they also included the sys.dm_tran_commit_table dmv or the sys.dm_exec_trigger_stats dmv. I have no clue what the sys.dm_tran_commit_table dmv is supposed to do :-(

Thursday, February 21, 2008

46 New Dynamic Management Views In SQL Server 2008 CTP6

Remember the 33 new DMVs in SQL Server 2008 post? I was just poking around in SQL Server 2008  CTP6 and wanted to know if there were any new Dynamic Management Views since CTP5. There are 13 new DMVs in CTP6 and there are a total of 45 new Dynamic Management Views compared to SQL server 2005. The list of them is below, I think their names make clear what the dmv is supposed to do (or at least I think I know)


The 13 DMVs listed below are new in CTP6


If you want to find out what the names of all the new DMVs are by running a query on your SQL Server 2008 box and you don't have a linked server to a SQL Server 2005 box then don't worry I have prepared the query below for you.

SELECT * FROM sysobjects
WHERE name LIKE 'dm_%'
AND name NOT IN('dm_os_hosts',

Enjoy exploring these DMVs



Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Feature Pack CTP, February 2008

The Feature Pack is a collection of stand-alone install packages that provide additional value for SQL Server 2008. It includes the latest versions of:

Redistributable components for SQL Server 2008
Add-on providers for SQL Server 2008
Backward compatibility components for SQL Server 2008

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client (SQL Native Client) is a single dynamic-link library (DLL) containing both the SQL OLE DB provider and SQL ODBC driver. It contains run-time support for applications using native-code APIs (ODBC, OLE DB and ADO) to connect to Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005, or 2008. SQL Native Client should be used to create new applications or enhance existing applications that need to take advantage of new SQL Server 2008 features. This redistributable installer for SQL Native Client installs the client components needed during run time to take advantage of new SQL Server 2008 features, and optionally installs the header files needed to develop an application that uses the SQL Native Client API.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components
The SQL Server Backward Compatibility package includes the latest versions of Data Transformation Services 2000 runtime (DTS), SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO), Decision Support Objects (DSO), and SQL Virtual Device Interface (SQLVDI). These versions have been updated for compatibility with both SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 and include all fixes shipped through SQL Server 2000 SP4 and SQL Server 2005 SP2.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Add-in for Microsoft SharePoint Technologies
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint Technologies allows you to take advantage of SQL Server 2008 report processing and management capabilities in SharePoint integrated mode. This version also includes data-driven subscriptions. The download provides a Report Viewer web part, web application pages, and support for using standard Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Services.

Get it all here:

SQL Server 2008 February CTP is now available for public download

SQL Server 2008 February CTP is finally here, this CTP is supposed to be feature complete.

Download the February CTP from the Download Center!

What's New in SQL Server 2008 February CTP?

Enter to win an Xbox in the SQL Server 2008 February CTP Bug Bash!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weekly Links 20080217

I decided to do a weekly links post with interesting SQL Server stuff, I also include a bunch of funny things at the bottom.

Technical Stuff:
Bob Beauchemin has two post that deal with Spatial Data: Using SQL Server 2008 spatial and the Virtual Earth map control - 1 and Using SQL Server 2008 spatial and the Virtual Earth map control - 2. The Spatial Data posts are more for people who do front end as well as back end development.
Two Interesting articles by the PSS SQL Server Engineers
How it Works: SQL Server Per Query Degree Of Parallelism Worker Count(s) and How It Works: SQL Server 2005 Connection and Task Assignments
Kalen Delany's Geek City: String Statistics post. My own Functions That Are Not Often Used: SIGN from sqlblog. Amdahl’s Law by Linchi Shea

If that is not enough for you there are also a bunch of SQL Server 2008 Webcasts available as well as a bunch of SQL Server 2008 Videos.

The non technical stuff:
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HTTP Endpoints deprecated In SQL Server 2008, Just Like Notification Services

Just like Notification Services HTTP Endpoints have been deprecated in SQL Server 2008. Bob Beauchemin's Blog has more info here: HTTP Endpoints to be deprecated in SQL Server 2008