Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Witchbrew Of SQL Server News And Interesting Links

Since I have nothing interesting or fascinating to say I decided to put some links up to some posts of people who do have something interesting to say.
We will start with Hugo Kornelis who has two posts about why clustered index ordering is not guaranteed in SQL Server. The first article can be found here:
And the second article that explains the behaviour can be found here: Beatles vs Stones Explanation has announced their Database Tool or Add-in winner and the winner is......SQL Server 2005. You can read the whole article here

Euan Garden has a post telling us that SQL Server Compact Edition launches (finally)

Tim O'Reilly posted his latest State of the Computer Book Market article and SQL server is still going strong. You can fnd that article here: State of the Computer Book Market, Q4 06, Part 1, Overall Market Trend

And we will end with Internet Maverick Marc Cuban who wrote an interesting article titled Why I Don't Wear a Suit and Can't Figure Out Why Anyone Does !
I don't wear a suit either, I actually wear jeans and sneakers most of the time. When i used to work in Silicon Alley (Broadway and 21st street in New York City) I actually came to work in shorts in the summer but then again what do you expect when you have 2 lizards and a cat roaming around the office?

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