Sunday, March 30, 2008

Links Of The Week 20080330

Who needs SQL links when you have this gem?

Check out (grand)ma in the background, she doesn't miss a beat.

Friday, March 28, 2008

How To Use COALESCE And NULLIF To Prevent Updating Columns When A Parameter IS NULL Or A Default Value

A variation of this question popped up twice in the SQL programming newsgroup since yesterday, this means it is time for a blogpost.
Let's say you have a proc like this

CREATE PROC prUpdateTable
int = -1


If the user calls the proc like this exec prUpdateTable null then @Salesman will be null, if the user calls the proc like this exec prUpdateTable then the value of @Salesman will be -1. In both of this cases you don't want to change the value of the column. What can you do?
You can use a combination of NULLIF and COALESCE to handle this. Your update statement would look like this

UPDATE table
Column = COALESCE(NULLIF(@variable,-1),Column)

Here is some code to demonstrate that

CREATE TABLE #foo (id int,salesman int)

1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1

DECLARE @salesman int
@salesman = 5

--Column value will change to 5
SET salesman = COALESCE(NULLIF(@salesman,-1),salesman)

--Column value won't change
SELECT @salesman = -1
SET salesman = COALESCE(NULLIF(@salesman,-1),salesman)

--Column value won't change
SELECT @salesman = NULL
SET salesman = COALESCE(NULLIF(@salesman,-1),salesman)

--Column value will change to 3
SELECT @salesman = 3
SET salesman = COALESCE(NULLIF(@salesman,-1),salesman)

--And here is the output, as you can see when @salesman was -1 or NULL the table did not get updated
1 5
2 1
3 1
4 3


As you can see only the first and the last update statement changed the value of the salesman column
Of course you would never do this if you were to update only one column, you would skip the update instead. If you have to update multiple columns then this is something you can use instead of writing a bunch of dynamic SQL or nested IF statements.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Technet Radio: A Look Inside SQLCAT (SQL Customer Advisory Team)

Channel9 has a podcast with the SQLCAT team.

On this episode of TechNet Radio, We learn more about SQL CAT – the SQL Customer Advisory Team. With Launch of SQL 2008 on the way, the SQL CAT team has been working hard preparing lists of best practices, recommendations, technical whitepapers and technical end-to-end case studies on customer implementations.

Listen to it here:

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Links Of The Week 20080322

Here are the links for this week

Programming Policy-Based Management with SMO - Part 1 - Intro
Programming Policy-Based Management with SMO - Part 2 - Conditions
Programming Policy-Based Management with SMO - Part 3 - ExpressionNode and Policy
Programming Policy-Based Management with SMO - Part 4 - Introducing ObjectSets
Programming Policy-Based Management with SMO - Part 5 - TargetSets and TargetSetLevels
Programming Policy-Based Management with SMO - Part 6 - Categories, Subscriptions, Wrapup
How It Works: SQL Server 2005 I/O Affinity and NUMA Don't Always Mix
Database Programming: The String Concatenation XML Trick, Sans Entitization
Database Programming: The String Concatenation XML Trick, Finalized
SQL Server 2008: Interesting Full-Text Dynamic Management Function
Minimal Logging changes in SQL Server 2008 (part-1)
More about sparse columns and column_sets
Which to use: "<>" or "!="?
Hanselminutes #105 - Rocky Lhotka on Data Access Mania, LINQ and CSLA.NET
geekSpeak Recording: Extending SQL Server Integration Services with Reza Madani

Non DB tech
Unit Testing for Silverlight...
IronPython and the DLR march on
The Weekly Source Code 21 - ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Source Code
Hanselminutes Podcast 104 - Dave Laribee on ALT.NET
The First Rule of Programming: It's Always Your Fault
The Weekly Source Code 20 - A Web Framework for Every Language
It’s common sense, stupid: How Not to Evangelize Unit Testing
Getting LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities to use NOLOCK
Google's Design Guidelines
Microsoft give an awesome response to the guy whose XBox was cleaned
Joe Duffy and Igor Ostrovsky: Parallel LINQ under the hood
FLOSS Weekly 27: Ward Cunningham

Non tech - a Google offering for older adults
Open Letter to Comcast: STAY OUT OF MY COMPUTER!
The Laptop Cat [Pic]
Questions on Bear Stearns buyout - shareholders want answers on how the deal was arranged, and gained government approval and financing, all in a few hours, and seemingly without alternative bidders.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

SOT: I found a new 'worst query'

Before you ask, SOT means Slightly Off Topic :-())

Take a look at Hi, I need help on simplyfying this Update query!

I don't even want to count the nested SELECTS, The query is 688 lines long, somehow schadenfreude enters my mind.

Now where does the update come into the picture?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Links Of The Week 20080317

Here are the links for this week

TechNet Radio: SQL 2008 Part 2 of 2: Management, Troubleshooting and Throttling
SQL Server: XQuery/XPath, Retrieval Functions
sp_send_dbmail in a transaction with @query causes unresolvable deadlock
New Features Announced In SQL Server 2008
SQL Down Under show 35 - Roger Doherty - SQL Server 2008 for Database Developers
Applying SQL Server Service Packs and HotFixes
Database Programming: The String Concatenation XML Trick Revisited (Or, Adam Is Right, But We Can Fix It)
Geek City: Nonclustered Index Keys
Sybase iAnywhere Unveils Advantage Database Server 9.0
SQL Server Integration Services and Clustering - confguration gotcha to ensure SSIS works with failover of cluster!

Non DB tech
How the BBC rendered a spinning globe in 1985
I wrote Super Pac-Man: More confessions of an ex-Atari employee
From BFS to ZFS: past, present, and future of file systems - So Great! So Great!
.NET Rocks! #324 - Emre Kiciman on AjaxView
Mashups with SyndicationFeed and LINQ
Microsoft Research Offers Behind-the-Scenes Look at Future of Computing
IBM Researchers Develop World’s Tiniest Nanophotonic Switch to route optical data between cores in future computer chips
Getting up to speed with ASP.NET and the 3.5 Extensions
Using Unity and the ASP.NET MVC Preview 2
PowerShell Plus is now official!
List Of .NET Dependency Injection Containers (IOC).
The Weekly Source Code 19 - LINQ and More What, Less How
You Know, There's a Much Easier Way...

Non tech
Man had $12,000 in debts, repaid $15,000 over 8 yrs, still owes $12,200. Credit card industry stopped him from testifying to congressional panel
XKCD on mythbusters...
JP Morgan "buys" Bear Stearns for $2 a share, Fed flips the actual bill
2008-03-11, Jim Cramer: "No! No! No! Bear Stearns is not in trouble. If anything, they’re more likely to be taken over. Don’t move your money from Bear."
English is our language [PIC]

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

6th Annual Financial Services Developer Conference

I went to the 6th Annual Financial Services Developer Conference today in New York City. This year’s focus was on High Performance Computing (HPC). I must say that I have enjoyed this conference a lot. It seems that SQL Server is very prevalent on the street. The OLAP capabilities of SQL Server are making Sybase slowly disappear from Wall Street. Financial firms are doing some very interesting stuff; there is a hedge fund which records an earnings call, runs it through some voice stress analysis software and based on the outcome of that will short or long the stock. You should hear the stories of how financial firms handle IT, the innovation is happening in the financial markets. I also saw a couple of very cool WPF applications. Check out the demos from Lab49:
Visit to download The Silverlight 2 Retail Financial Services Demonstrator

Financial Services Developer Conference

Carl Franklin from Dotnetrocks recorded a podcast at the event, this podcast was about concurrency and how to handle multi-core programming. You should definitely check it out when it becomes available on dotnetrocks. If you are interested about PLINQ and concurrent programming with .NET then visit this site:

Dotnetrocks Podcast Recording

Tomorrow there are three sessions at the same time that I want to attend
Software Engineering with VSTS
Parallelize you .Net applications with parallel extensions to the .NET framework.
Useful evolution: Programming the New features in SQL Server 2008.

I have my blackcrackberry with me so if you are attending the event tomorrow then send me an email at and maybe we can discuss about this event during lunch.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

StrataFrame Or CSLA.NET, Which Framework Would You Use?

If you would have to choose between StrataFrame or CSLA.NET, which one would you pick?
The team I am part of at work is trying to pick a framework for new development and they like these two the best. Are these two something you would pick or do you know a better one?


Also keep in mind that while CSLA.NET is free, StrataFrame is not.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Video: SQL Server Data Services and the Future of Data in the Cloud

Channel 9 has a 45 minute video with Dave Campbell about SQL Server Data Services. maybe this video will answer some of the question you might have about SQL Server Data Services

Watch it here:

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Microsoft Announces SQL Server Data Services

What is Microsoft SQL Server Data Services?
SQL Server Data Service (SSDS) is a highly scalable and cost-effective on-demand data storage and query processing web service. It is built on robust SQL Server technologies and helps guarantees a business-ready service level agreement covering high availability, performance and security features. Microsoft SSDS is accessible using standards based protocols (SOAP, REST) for quick provisioning of on-demand data-driven & mashup applications.

How does Microsoft SQL Server Data Services differ from traditional on premise relational SQL Server Database?
SQL Server Data Services is a storage and query processing utility providing mega scale, high availability, reliability, and geo-distributed data services in the Cloud. Customers use the service on-demand, with no up-front cost. It eliminates the initial investment in hardware and software and the on-going cost for storage administration, scale maintenance. Developers and Service providers can quickly run their on-demand applications with minimal infrastructure cost.

What can I do with SQL Server Data Services?
Customers can use SQL Server Data Services to store virtually any amount of data in the Cloud. They can query and modify data as required by the specific business scenarios. SQL Server Data Services support standards-based REST and SOAP interfaces designed to work with any Internet-development toolkit. The primary wire format is XML. Developers and service providers can quickly run on-demand applications with ease. The data has flexible schema which can be modified dynamically by the application. The data is provided with high availability and reliability virtually anywhere, anytime.

Rest of the FAQs here:
Main SQL Server Data Services site here: