Thursday, December 27, 2007

A year in review, The 21 + 1 best blog posts on SQLBlog

These are the best posts according to me, it might have been the content or it might have been the comments. Either way here are the 21 + 1 posts I enjoyed the most. But wait the year is not over yet. Doesn't matter no one will write anything good till next year anyway (prove me wrong and I WILL update this post).

The first post is really from last year, I mean really, who writes a post on '2006-12-31T13:49:00.000' (yes that is ISO8601)? Since I did not see the post until 2007 I have included it in the list. I tried not to include more than 2 or 3 posts per blogger, I would have included all Hugo's NULL posts otherwise. What is with the 21 + 1 title? The +1 one is my post about using bitwise logic, it is the last link

Below is the list, let me know if I missed anything you really enjoyed and Happy New Year

The Beatles versus the Stones
How Many Data Files Should I Create for a User Database?
[Editorial] Get rid of the bad apples in IT?
NULL - The database's black hole
Performance Impact of Procedure Calls without Owner Qualification -- SQL Server 2000
Performance Impact of Procedure Calls without Owner Qualification
Did You Know? Run a batch multiple times
Want to Control the Procedure Cache?
Is statistics over non-indexed columns updated by index rebuild?
Xp_cmdshell and permissions
The Perils of Hyperthreading for SQL Server
5 Things every DBA should know like the back of their hand...
Filegroups Part I - Dividing Data for Performance
Did You Know? SP2 does NOT limit the amount of plan cache you can have
Sorted views...
2008: Initializing Table Data with Row Constructors
2008: Row Constructor or Table-Valued Parameter
Anti-Patterns and Malpractices, Volume 1: Tumbling Data
10 lessons from 35K tps
What’s wrong with SELECT * ?
Backup compression in SQL Server 2008

This one is mine

Speed Up Performance And Slash Your Table Size By 90% By Using Bitwise Logic


Anonymous said...

All the links are broken. Could you please fix them?


Denis said...


Fixed, sorry about that, should have checked