Monday, March 20, 2006

OPENROWSET And Open Excel file Problems

Last week I created a blog post name OPENROWSET And Excel Problems

I forgot to add one other example, and this is when you have an excel file open and you are trying to open it with OPENROWSET.
If you do this you will get this error

Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005: The provider did not give any information about the error.].

Just keep this in mind

Friday, March 17, 2006

SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 - Community Technology Preview (CTP)

The Community Technology Preview (CTP) version of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 is now available. You can use these packages to upgrade any of the following SQL Server 2005 editions:
Enterprise Evaluation

To upgrade SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, obtain the SP1 CTP version of Express Edition.

These packages have been made available for general testing purposes only. Do not deploy the CTP software in production

Click here to go to the download page

Thursday, March 16, 2006

OPENROWSET And Excel Problems

Create an excel sheet
In the first 2 rows put some data, save the excel sheet as testing.xls on the c drive
Execute the command below
'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\testing.xls'
,'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')

You will see 1 row since the first row will be used for header names
If you want 2 rows you need to add HDR=No like this
'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\testing.xls;HDR=NO'
,'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')

Run the following OPENROWSET command
'Excel 8.0;Database=SS:\testing.xls'
,'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')

The path can't be found (SS) you will get this error
Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005: The provider did not give any information about the error.].

Run the following OPENROWSET command
'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\testing2.xls'
,'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')

When you spell the filename (testing2) wrong you get this error
Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'Sheet1$'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' IColumnsInfo::GetColumnsInfo returned 0x80004005: ].

Run the following OPENROWSET command
'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\testing.xls'
,'SELECT * FROM [Sheet11$]')

When you spell the sheet name (Sheet11) wrong you get this error
Server: Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not process object 'Select * from [Sheet11$]'. The OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' indicates that the object has no columns.
OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: OLE DB provider unable to process object, since the object has no columnsProviderName='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', Query=Select * from [P2 2003 DJIA updates$]'].

Run the following OPENROWSET command
'Excel 8.0;Database=D:\testing.xls'
,'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')

When you type the wrong path (D) but the path exists, then you get this error
Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005: The provider did not give any information about the error.].

So hopefully the next time you get an error you can quickly figure out if it's the file name, sheet name or path name that is wrong

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Find Out If A Table Has An Identity Column

Here are 2 ways to find out if a table has an identity column
The first way is using the COLUMNPROPERTY function and the second way is using the OBJECTPROPERTY function

USE northwind

DECLARE @tableName VARCHAR(50)
SELECT @tableName = 'orders'

--Use COLUMNPROPERTY and the syscolumns system table
SELECT COUNT(name) AS HasIdentity
FROM syscolumns
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(id) = @tableName
AND COLUMNPROPERTY(id, name, 'IsIdentity') = 1

SELECT @intObjectID =OBJECT_ID('orders')

--Use OBJECTPROPERTY and the TableHasIdentity property name
SELECT COALESCE(OBJECTPROPERTY(@intObjectID, 'TableHasIdentity'),0) AS HasIdentity

Monday, March 13, 2006

Search All Stored Procedures That Contain Specific Text

You have changed the column name from titleauthor to t_author in your table and you have 200 stored procedures
The problem is that you don't remember which of these 200 procedures use that column
You run sp_depends 'authors' but like we all know this procedure is not always accurate
So instead of running sp_depends we can take a look at the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES ANSI SQL Schema view

Let's search for all procedures that have the text titleauthor in them

USE pubs


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Create Stored Procedures With Optional Parameters

Sometimes you want to create stored procedures in which all the parameters are not required or will be used. You can create optional parameters and give them a value in the procedure. There are two ways to call procedures; you can pass parameters to stored procedures by name or by position. To pass parameters by name you would do something like this
EXEC prTestOptionalParameters @intID =1

To pass parameters by position you would do something like this
EXEC prTestOptionalParameters 1

Just keep in mind that if you pass by position that you don’t mix up the position because that makes for fun debugging time. Another problem with optional parameters is that if you call the procedure by using position for parameters then those parameters have to be at the end of the procedure. Let’s take a look at how this works

--Create the procedure with optional parameters at the end
CREATE PROCEDURE prTestOptionalParameters
@intID INT,
@chvName VARCHAR(80) = NULL

IF @chvName IS NULL
@intID AS ID, @chvName AS Name,'@chvName is null' AS message
@intID AS ID, @chvName AS Name,'@chvName is not null' AS message


--Run the proc without the optional parameter
EXEC prTestOptionalParameters 1

--Run the proc with the second parameter
EXEC prTestOptionalParameters 1,'abc'

--Run the proc without the optional parameter and use name parameters
EXEC prTestOptionalParameters @intID =1

--Run the proc with a null value for the optional parameter
EXEC prTestOptionalParameters 1 ,null

--Let's switch the parameters around
CREATE PROCEDURE prTestOptionalParameters2
@chvName VARCHAR(80) = NULL,
@intID INT

IF @chvName IS NULL
@intID AS ID, @chvName AS Name,'@chvName is null' AS message
@intID AS ID, @chvName AS Name,'@chvName is not null' AS message


--Run the proc without the optional parameter
EXEC prTestOptionalParameters2 1

You will get this error message
Server: Msg 201, Level 16, State 4, Procedure prTestOptionalParameters2, Line 0Procedure 'prTestOptionalParameters2' expects parameter '@intID', which was not supplied.

--Run the procedure with the named parameter
EXEC prTestOptionalParameters2 @intID =1

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Create Procedures That Run At SQL Server Startup

Let's say you have a table and you want to make sure that you clear it every time SQL Server is restarted
What would be the easiest way to accomplish that? Well you can create a procedure and have it execute every time the SQL Server is restarted
The procedure has to be created in the master database, after it is created you have to use sp_procoption to have the procedure execute when SQL Server starts up

--Let's create our procedure
USE master
--You would do something real here
--like deleting the data

--Make the procedure execute when the server starts up
sp_procoption prStartUp,startup,'on'

--This will return the proc name since we enabled the ExecIsStartup property
SELECT name FROM sysobjects
WHERE xtype = 'p'
AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'ExecIsStartup') = 1

--disable the execution of the proc on start up
sp_procoption prStartUp,startup,'off'

--Let's check again, no rows should be returned now
SELECT name FROM sysobjects
WHERE xtype = 'p'
AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'ExecIsStartup') = 1

Monday, March 06, 2006

Returning Grouped Random Results

Let's say you have data and you want to return this random but grouped, what do I mean by that? For example you have the following data
sony 4
sony 6
toshiba 1
toshiba 3
mitsubishi 2
mitsubishi 5

When you rerun the query you want the order to be different but the companies have to be grouped together. So the next result could be something like this

toshiba 1
toshiba 3
sony 4
sony 6
mitsubishi 2
mitsubishi 5

To order a result set randomly every single time is easy you just have to add ORDER BY NEWID() and it will be different every single time

To order randomly and keeping it 'ordered/grouped' by company is a little bit trickier
Below are 2 ways to accomplish that. The first way is with a sub query the second is by using RAND and CHECKSUM
If you run the two queries at the same time and look at the execution plan you will notice that the query cost for the query with the sub query is 66.75% (relative to the batch) and for the query with RAND and CHECKSUM it's only 33.25%

For those of you who don't know how to see the execution plan, this is how you do that
CTRL + K (you can also select Query-->Show Execution Plan from the menu bar) then highlight both queries and press F5. Between Grids and Messages you will see a new tab named Execution Plan, click on that tab and you will see a graphical representation of the execution plan

CREATE TABLE #Testcompanies (
Name VARCHAR(50),

INSERT INTO #Testcompanies
SELECT 'toshiba' ,1
SELECT 'mitsubishi', 2
SELECT 'toshiba', 3
SELECT 'sony', 4
SELECT 'mitsubishi', 5
SELECT 'sony', 6

--Query using a sub query and NEWID()
FROM #Testcompanies T
NEWID() AS GroupedOrder
FROM #Testcompanies
ON T.Name = Z.Name
ORDER BY Z.GroupedOrder

--Query using RAND()


Conversation With Database Legend Jim Gray

Channel 9 has an interesting video with Turing award winner Jim Gray. From the website: "This episode features Jim Gray. He is a "Technical Fellow" in the Scaleable Servers Research Group (Sky Server, Terra Server) and manager of Microsoft's Bay Area Research Center (BARC). Jim has been called a "giant" in the fields of database and transaction processing computer systems. In 1998, Jim was awarded the ACM’s prestigious A.M. Turing Award.

Before joining Microsoft, Jim worked at Digital Equipment Corp (DEC)., Tandem Computers Inc., IBM Corp. and AT&T and he is the editor of the “Performance Handbook for Database and Transaction Processing Systems,” and co-author of “Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques.” In this interview, Jim is joined by former colleague from DEC and partner on the Terra Server project, Researcher, Tom Barclay."

Pro SQL Server 2005 Assemblies

Pro SQL Server 2005 Assemblies provides a detailed and example-driven tutorial on how to build and use .NET assemblies. The authors focus on building assemblies in C#, but also provide the equivalent VB .NET code in the supplied code download.

Assemblies are not a complete replacement for T-SQL stored procedures and triggers; rather, they’re enhancements, to be used at the right place and right time. This book examines the ins and outs of assemblies—when they should and should not be used, what you can do with them, and how you can get the most out of them.

Table Of Contents
CHAPTER 1 Introducing Assemblies
CHAPTER 2 Writing a Simple SQL Assembly
CHAPTER 3 The SQL Server NET Programming Model
CHAPTER 4 CLR Stored Procedures
CHAPTER 5 User-Defined Functions
CHAPTER 6 User-Defined Types
CHAPTER 7 User-Defined Aggregates
CHAPTER 8 CLR Triggers
CHAPTER 9 Error Handling and Debugging Strategies
CHAPTER 10 Security
CHAPTER 11 Integrating Assemblies with Other Technologies

Sample Chapter: The SQL Server NET Programming Model

Amazon link here

Sunday, March 05, 2006

SQL Server Cursors Not Always Evil

By know you probably heard a thousand times not to use cursors but to use a set based solution instead. Cursors are bad, almost everything that can be written in a cursor can be rewritten to use a set based approach etc etc etc. Well SQL Server MVP Adam Machanic has a great post on his blog that will show you that a cusrsor sometimes is actually faster than a set based solution. Read the post Running sums, redux
A day later Adam created another entry on his blog, this time using SQLCLR code to rewrite the cursor code and improving the execution time by 25%. You can read that entry here (Running sums yet again: SQLCLR saves the day!)
So as you can see cursors do have a place in SQL Server and are sometimes a better option

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Top 5 SQL Posts Of All Time

Below are the top 5 posts according to Google Analytics for all time!!

SQL Server 2005 Free E-Learning
Fun With SQL Server Update Triggers
Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Find all Primary and Foreign Keys In A Database
SQL Query Optimizations

I will update this post once a month and might make it 10, don't know yet

Top 5 SQL Server Posts for February 2006

Below are the top 5 posts according to Google Analytics for the month of February

SQL Query Optimizations
Fun With SQL Server Update Triggers
Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. SQL 2005
Find all Primary and Foreign Keys In A Database
SQL Server 2005 Free E-Learning

Top SQL Server Google Searches For February 2006

These are the top SQL Searches on this site for the month of February. I have left out searches that have nothing to do with SQL Server or programming. Here are the results...

sql server tips tricks
sql code automation
bulk insert
return multiple rows t-sql
CmdExec sql backup filename parameter
backup filename
how to backup a sql server db
SQl server books

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Find All tables That Contain A Certain Column

This question was posted today on the tek-tips site and also in the microsoft.public.sqlserver.programming newsgroup
The question was how to find all tables that contain a certain column
For example return all tables that have the column OrderID in the Northwind database
You can get all that information from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS system view, however that view returns tables as well as views
You have to join with INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES and that view contains a column named TABLE_TYPE that you can use to filter on the type (BASE TABLE or VIEW)
I have only selected a couple of columns from the views, use * to see them all

USE Northwind


Monday, February 27, 2006

SQL Server Upgrade Your Skills To 2005 Webcasts

Are you planning new database development projects this year? Do you need to increase the scale, performance, security, or continuous availability of your existing systems to meet the demands of the business? Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is here, bringing significant enhancements in performance, availability, and security and the most powerful and flexible set of DBA productivity tools we have ever delivered. Our subject matter experts walk through all of the major features and enhancements built into SQL Server 2005 and demonstrate how you can bring these benefits to your organization. Topics covered include SQL Server 2005 management tools, security enhancements, high availability features, replication, and scalability. Also, tune in weekly through June 2006 as Microsoft MVP and Regional Director Kimberly Tripp and her colleagues present an 11-part series on building robust, recoverable, and reliable SQL Server 2005 systems.

Live Webcasts
TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional (Part 1 of 11): A Fast-Paced Feature Overview and Series Introduction (Level 200)
Friday, March 10, 2006 9:30 A.M.–11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

This first webcast of the SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional series presents the new features designed to help improve administration, management, and operations. This webcast provides an overview of new features, how they fit together, and best practices for each. Building a robust, recoverable, and reliable system requires knowledge, best practices, and finding the right tool for the job. Join this series to learn how to build the foundation for success.

TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional (Part 2 of 11): Security (Level 200)
Friday, March 17, 2006 9:30 A.M.–11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

Securing SQL Server system requires a variety of defenses. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 provides numerous mechanisms to reduce the attackable surface area, from features that are configured "off by default" to more complex features that can encrypt data to defend against rogue file copies of the database. Understanding how to deploy the wide selection of development and administrative options securely can be complex. In this second webcast of the SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional series, learn about best practices for sorting through the options to optimally secure SQL Server 2005. Additionally, this webcast addresses security issues such as protecting and recovering data as it relates to encryption key escrow and recovery.

TechNet Webcast: SQL Server for the IT Professional (Part 3 of 11): Understanding Installation Options and Initial Configuration (Level 200)
Friday, March 24, 2006 9:30 A.M.–11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

Graphical installation requires you to continually click next through the options with the idea that you can always change the settings later. We believe there is a much better way. Make the right decisions at installation to ensure a more secure and properly configured environment. In this third webcast of the SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional series, we present Service Account options, Authentication Mode, secure sockets layer (SSL) security (without installing SSL), password requirements, and installation directory structures. We explain code page and sort order selection for new and upgraded installations. The session wraps up with the changes necessary immediately after installation: setting the system administrator (SA) password and using the SQL Surface Area Configuration tool and Configuration Manager.

TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional (Part 4 of 11): Upgrade Considerations and Migration Paths (Level 200)
Friday, March 31, 2006 9:30 A.M.–11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

In this fourth webcast of the SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional series, we help you prepare your migration path to minimize potential failures. In the first half of this session learn how to use the Upgrade Advisor and what to look for in your existing databases. The second half helps you to understand your options and explains the Copy Database Wizard, Detach/Attach, and Backup/Restore features. Join us to create a careful and easy test plan today so that your migration is easy tomorrow!

TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional (Part 5 of 11): Effective Use of the New Management Tools (Level 200)
Friday, April 7, 2006 9:30 A.M.–11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 introduces a new set of tools that are a radical departure from previous versions. If you want to avoid a steep learning curve attend this fifth webcast of the SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional series, presented by Kimberly Tripp, to discover the new features designed to make the database administration and database development teams more effective and productive. Understanding the impact of the Microsoft Visual Studio shell—and where SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) diverges from the standard shell—can help you to use SSMS more effectively. The primary focus of this webcast is on solutions, projects, customizing the query tool, and source control integration.

TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional (Part 6 of 11): New Application Design Patterns for Scalability and Availability and the Operational Implications of Service Broker (Level 200)
Friday, April 14, 2006 9:30 A.M.–11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

SQL Service Broker is an integral part of the database in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Understanding why developers may choose to use this is one part of the picture, but some internal SQL Server features use it as well. In this sixth webcast of the SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional series, we present what new data objects comprise Service Broker, what new SQL statements you need to know about, and how you manage it, secure it, and monitor it, along with information about when it is appropriate to consider a Broker-based application. Join us to learn about dynamic management views and profiler support, in addition to how you can troubleshoot operational problems. The webcast also explains the internal functions run by Service Broker and how they work.

TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional (Part 7 of 11): Technologies and Features to Improve Availability (Level 200)
Friday, April 21, 2006 9:30 A.M.–11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

Find the right technology for the job in this seventh webcast of the SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional series. Join us to learn which technologies provide the right solution for a specific problem, as well as the pros and cons of each technology. Designing a system to protect you against the faults most likely to occur is the first and most important strategy, but finding the right combination to minimize both downtime and data loss is critical. This webcast covers all of the “Availability” technologies at a glance: remote mirroring, failover clustering, database mirroring, log hipping, replication, redundant array of independent disks (RAID), partial database availability, piecemeal online restore, database snapshots, snapshot isolation, and online operations.

TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional (Part 8 of 11): Implementing Database Mirroring in SQL Server 2005 (Part 1 of 2) (Level 200)
Friday, April 28, 2006 9:30 A.M.–11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

Database mirroring was released for testing when Microsoft SQL Server 2005 shipped as a product. As we approach the first service pack, get prepared for the release of database mirroring for general production use and understand the barriers of what database mirroring will protect against. Attend this first part in the eighth webcast of the SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional series to obtain better insight for when database mirroring should be implemented as well as what to expect moving forward in service pack 1 (SP1).

TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional (Part 9 of 11): Implementing Database Mirroring (Part 2 of 2) (Level 200)
Friday, May 5, 2006 9:30 A.M.–11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

After learning about what database mirroring provides—as well as the changes to expect in service pack 1(SP1)—attend this second part in the ninth webcast of the SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional series to walk through the entire process of implementation, failover, and monitoring. Join us for this slide-free session; it’s all about the demos.

TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional (Part 10 of 11): Recovering from Human Error (Level 200)
Friday, May 12, 2006 9:30 A.M.–11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 provides a variety of new features to help deal with the possibility of human error with preventative techniques, investigative techniques, and recovery techniques. Join this tenth webcast of the SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional series as we look at data definition language (DDL) triggers, event notifications, partial database availability, partial database restores, and database snapshots.

TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional (Part 11 of 11): Best Practices in Building Robust, Recoverable, and Reliable Systems (Level 200)
Friday, May 19, 2006 9:30 A.M.–11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

In this eleventh and last webcast of the SQL Server 2005 for the IT Professional series, Kimberly Tripp reviews key areas discussed throughout the series to ensure that all areas have been covered. This summary session should keep you thinking, give you more resources to review and use, and point to a few new areas to consider. Building a robust, recoverable, and reliable system takes a myriad of options. Join us to learn what the options are and how you can start making the most of them.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Three Way To List All Databases On Your Server

Sometimes you want to print out a document with all the databases that exists on one server so that you can compare this against another server for example
Listed below are three ways to accomplish this by using a system table, a system view and an undocumented stored procedure

First Way

WHERE CATALOG_NAME NOT IN('master','msdb','tempdb','model')

Second Way
Use the sysdatabases system table in the master database

SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases
WHERE name NOT IN('master','msdb','tempdb','model')

Third way
Use the undocumented sp_MSForEachDB procedure

EXEC sp_MSForEachDB 'IF ''?'' NOT IN (''master'', ''model'', ''msdb'', ''tempdb'')
SELECT ''?'' '

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Convert Float Stored As Varchar To Numeric

An interesting problem came up today in the microsoft SQL Server DTS newsgroup
A person tried to convert a varchar value to numeric and got the following message "Error converting data type varchar to numeric."
The problem is that the value stored as varchar is a float and then SQL Server is not able to convert this to a numeric datatype
So first you have to convert to float and then to numeric

SELECT @Value = '5.9499999999999997E-2'

--Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

--This works after converting to float first

--No problems here since the value in the varchar field can be converted to numeric
SELECT @Value2 = '5.9499999999999997'

SQL Server And Business Intelligence Podcast

Channel 9 on MSDN has added another SQL server podcast yesterday, this one is about SQL Server And Business Intelligence
From their page: "Business Intelligence… some people think that is an oxymoron but my friend it is most certainly better than business ignorance which unfortunately is how many business operate. In the last few years most companies have been amassing data at a phenomenal rate but what does that data tell you? Well listen up because my guest today Andrew Brust is going tell you how you can use the tools in SQL Server 2005 to make sense of this treasure trove of competitive information because business intelligence is always better than business stupidity."

The podcast is 32 minutes and 58 seconds and you can get it here

Enjoy the show

Monday, February 20, 2006

XML In SQL Server 2005 Podcast

XML in SQL Server 2005
Channel9 at has a great SQL Server 2005 and XML podcast
From the page: "How much code have you seen that is devoted to simply shredding XML and storing it in a database? What if you didn't need to do that anymore? What if you could store XML in all of it's unstructured hierarchical goodness and just leave it at that? Well my friend, you are in luck because on this episode Shankar Pal of the SQL Server team is going to tell you all about the details of the great new XML support in SQL Server 2005."

Get the podcast here

Enjoy the show