A blog about SQL Server, Books, Movies and life in general
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Interview With SSIS Guru Jamie Thomson
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
I tried to keep it a secret but it is all over the internet: I am a SQL Server MVP
Congratulations, Denis!
SQL Server MVP - Denis Gobo
and even an announcement on lessthandot
My profile is here: https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile=BCCF7416-DA4E-4D73-83E2-65FD61BAB16D
Stay tuned, I will have an interview with Jamie Thomson tomorrow
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Working On SQL Admin Hacks, Tips and Tricks
Can you think of any admin stuff you would like to see? This is what we have right now
Find Primary Keys and Columns Used in SQL Server
Get The Domain Name Of Your SQL Server Machine With T-SQL
Grant Execute/SELECT Permissions For All User Defined Functions To A User
Grant Execute Permissions For All Stored Procedures To A User
Kill All Active Connections To A Database
SQL Server 2008: When Was The Server Last Started?
Check If Auto Update Statistics Is Enabled By Using DATABASEPROPERTY
Three Way To List All Databases On Your Server
Generate A List Of Object Types By Using OBJECTPROPERTY
How to find all the tables and views in a database
Find Out Server Roles For a SQL Server Login
Which Service Pack Is Installed On My SQL Server
Test SQL Server Login Permissions With SETUSER
Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. SQL 2000
Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. SQL 2005
Compare Tables With Tablediff
Find All Tables Without Triggers In SQL Server
Find All Tables With Triggers In SQL Server
Create Stored Procedures That Run At SQL Server Startup
Cycle The SQL Server Error Log
How to read sql server error messages
Use OBJECT_DEFINITION To Track SQL Server Stored Procedure Changes
SQL Compare Without The Price Tag
How To Get The Database Name For The Current User Process
How To Find Out Which Columns Have Defaults And What Those Default Values Are
Fixing Cannot add, update, or delete a job that originated from an MSX Server Error after renaming a server
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
SQL Server 2008 Release Candidate 0 Available To The General Public For Download
There are 2 versions (and 3 flavors of each) ISO or DVD
Download it here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=35F53843-03F7-4ED5-8142-24A4C024CA05&displaylang=en
Don't forget to also visit the SQL Server 2008 Release Candidate 0 connect site here: https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/content/content.aspx?ContentID=5395
Friday, June 06, 2008
Puzzle: Friday the Thirteenths
The goal is to identify all friday the thirteenths for a given timeframe. We'll use a relatively small number of years, like 10. This should make it a little easier in procedural languages.
I posted my SQL solution, what about you?
Go here: Friday the Thirteenths and show me what you got. Make sure to use the [hide][/hide] tags so you don't spoil it for other people
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Less Than Dot A New community Site Has Been Launched
Since I am mostly a SQL guy, I wrote a collection of SQL Server hacks. This collection of SQL hacks is available on the Wiki, right now we have 8 sections and between 70 and 80 hacks. Ideally we will have more hacks and we will also have a SQL admin hacks page in the future.
SQL Server Hacks Sections
* 2 Dates
* 3 Sorting, Limiting Ranking, Transposing and Pivoting
* 4 Handy tricks
* 5 Pitfalls
* 6 Query Optimization
* 7 Undocumented but handy
* 8 Usefull Admin stuff For The Developer
Below are some direct links to a couple hacks, you can also get a list of all the hacks on the wiki itself here: SQL Server Programming Hacks
- Trouble With ISDATE And Converting To SMALLDATETIME
Row To Column (PIVOT)
Column To Row (UNPIVOT)
Five ways to return all rows from one table which are not in another table
Order IP Addresses
Use XACT_STATE() To Check For Doomed Transactions
Three differences between COALESCE and ISNULL
Case sensitive search
Use the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats dmv to check if indexes are being used
Hopefully you will like the site and find some good content, if you have a question then don't hesitate to ask it in a forum.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
SQL Teaser uniqueidentifier
CREATE TABLE #bla (SomeVal uniqueidentifier)
INSERT #bla VALUES('D903D52D-DBFA-4904-9D95-F265152A391F')
what do you think this will return?
WHERE SomeVal = 'D903D52D-DBFA-4904-9D95-F265152A391F12345678910'
WHERE SomeVal = 'D903D52D-DBFA-4904-9D95-F265152A391F1'
What about this?
SELECT * FROM #blaWHERE SomeVal = CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,'D903D52D-DBFA-4904-9D95-F265152A391F12345678910')
Interview With Erland Sommarskog About SQL Server and Transact SQL
Friday, May 23, 2008
Interview With Craig Freedman About Indexing, Query Plans And Performance
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I have a question for you on DB development blunders!
Here are a couple of things
Starting a begin tran, then some insert/update command, never commiting but minimizing the window.
Here is my all time favorite, can you reduce this by 90%?
declare @Token int
select @Token = 51234567
declare @val int
if left(@Token,1) = 1
select @val = 1
else if left(@Token,1) = 2
select @val = 2
else if left(@Token,1) = 3
select @val = 3
else if left(@Token,1) = 4
select @val = 4
else if left(@Token,1) = 5
select @val = 5
else if left(@Token,1) = 6
select @val = 6
else if left(@Token,1) = 7
select @val = 7
else if left(@Token,1) = 8
select @val = 8
else if left(@Token,1) = 9
select @val = 9
else if left(@Token,1) = 0
select @val = 0
select @val
Actually we put that on the whiteboard after we found it in our code and every time the developer wanted something we teased him about it...Oh you mean like that (pointing to the whiteboard)
What about changing the datatype from smallint to int in the table but keeping the params smallint in the proc.....mmmm why do I get a conversion in the execution plan?
So let's here some of what you have seen others write, we all know we couldn't write stuff like that ourselves right? :-)
Monday, May 19, 2008
Spring Cleaning, Getting Rid Of Some Books
I got rid of these books because:
I got a new version
I don't use the technology anymore
The book is obsolete
Click on the image and you can see a bigger version on my flickr page.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
SSMS Tools PACK 1.0 is now available
Here are some of the features
Uppercase/Lowercase keywords.
Run one script on multiple databases.
Copy execution plan bitmaps to clipboard.
Search Results in Grid Mode and Execution Plans.
Generate Insert statements for a single table, the whole database or current resultsets in grids.
Query Execution History (Soft Source Control).
Text document Regions and Debug sections.
Running custom scripts from Object explorer's Context menu.
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) stored procedure generation.
New query template.
Check it out here: http://www.ssmstoolspack.com/Main.aspx
How to log when a function is called?
This question came up today and here is one way of doing it. It requires running xp_cmdshell so this is probably not such a good idea.
The problem with functions is that you cannot just insert into any table. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements modifying table variables local to the function.
EXECUTE statements calling an extended stored procedures are allowed.
So with this in mind we know that we can call xp_cmdshell, from xp_cmdshell we can use osql
Let's take a look
We will be using tempdb
--Create the table
USE tempdb
CREATE TABLE LogMeNow (SomeValue varchar(50), SomeDate datetime default getdate())
--Here is the proc
@SomeValue varchar(50)
INSERT LogMeNow (SomeValue) VALUES(@SomeValue)
--And here is the function
CREATE FUNCTION fnBla(@id int)
DECLARE @SQL varchar(500)
SELECT @SQL = 'osql -S' +@@servername +' -E -q "exec tempdb..prLog ''fnBla''"'
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @SQL
Now call the function a couple of times
SELECT dbo.fnBla(1)
SELECT dbo.fnBla(2)
SELECT dbo.fnBla(4)
What if you were to run this?
SELECT dbo.fnBla(4),* FROM sys.sysobjects
See the problem? The function will be called for every row, if you have a big table this can be problematic!!!!!!!!
I tested this on SQL 2000 and on SQL 2005(including a named instance). So there you have it, this is one way. does it smell kludgy and do I feel somewhat dirty now? yes it does indeed :-(
SET @ =6
PRINT 'yes'
PRINT 'no'
PRINT @@rowcount
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
First the advantages
When scripting out a database you don’t have to generate if exists.....drop statements
When modifying an object from a file in source control you don’t have to change back and forth between CREATE and ALTER. This is really annoying sometimes; usually you create a proc or script out a proc and store it in Subversion/SourceSafe. Now you take that file, make some changes to the proc and run it. Of course it will tell you that the proc already exists, in general you don’t want to drop the proc and then execute the CREATE proc statement because then you have to worry about the permissions.(not everyone is running as dbo you know)
I can overwrite a proc without even knowing it. What if we both are working on a proc and somehow we pic the same name I create my proc, you work in a remote location, you create yours and mine is gone.
Of course it is all what you are used to, I am sure the Oracle guys are not overwriting each other’s procs every day either
So what do you think? Would you be in favor of this syntax or not? Can you think of more advantages or disadvantages?
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
What Would You Like To Ask Erland Sommarskog?
The first time I heard of Erland Sommarskog was in the SQL Server programming newsgroups. I also read all the articles on his site. When I answer questions I usually give the link out to these 4 articles
Arrays and Lists in SQL Server
Implementing Error Handling with Stored Procedures
Error Handling in SQL Server – a Background
and of course The curse and blessings of dynamic SQL
I always wondered why he didn't write a SQL book. Hey, now I can ask him that :-)
Before you think of any questions please visit Erland's page first (http://www.sommarskog.se/index.html) and read some of the articles he wrote.
You can submit questions until Monday May 12th and then I will forward the questions to Erland.
What Would You Like To Ask Craig Freedman?
Before you think of any questions please visit Craig's blog first(http://blogs.msdn.com/craigfr/) to get a feel of what kind of questions to ask. It would make sense to keep the questions focused on query processing, query execution, and query plans. I told Craig that if he doesn't like a question that he does not have to answer it.
You can submit questions until Monday May 12th and then I will forward the questions to Craig
Do you depend on sp_depends (no pun intended)
Several people suggested using sp_depends. You can't really depend on sp_depends because of deferred name resolution. Take a look at this
First create this proc
SELECT dbo.somefuction(1)
now create this function
CREATE FUNCTION somefuction(@id int)
SELECT @id = 1
now run this
sp_depends 'somefuction'
result: Object does not reference any object, and no objects reference it.
Most people will not create a proc before they have created the function. So when does this behavior rear its ugly head? When you script out all the objects in a database, if the function or any objects referenced by an object are created after the object that references them then sp_depends won't be 100% correct
SQL Server 2005 makes it pretty easy to do it yourself
specific_name,*FROM information_schema.routines
object_definition(object_id(specific_name)) LIKE '%somefuction%'AND
routine_type = 'procedure'
BTW somefuction is not a type, I already had a somefunction but was too lazy to change more than one character
Friday, May 02, 2008
Testing for SQL Server Vulnerabilities
Here is what is covered. Enjoy (or live in fear over the weekend)
1 Brief Summary
2 Short Description of the Issue
3 Black Box testing and example
3.1 SQL Server Peculiarities
3.2 Example 1: Testing for SQL Injection in a GET request.
3.3 Example 2: Testing for SQL Injection in a GET request (2).
3.4 Example 3: Testing in a POST request
3.5 Example 4: Yet another (useful) GET example
3.6 Example 5: custom xp_cmdshell
3.7 Example 6: Referer / User-Agent
3.8 Example 7: SQL Server as a port scanner
3.9 Example 8: Upload of executables
3.10 Obtain information when it is not displayed (Out of band)
3.11 Blind SQL injection attacks
3.11.1 Trial and error
3.11.2 In case more than one error message is displayed
3.11.3 Timing attacks
3.11.4 Checking for version and vulnerabilities
3.12 Example 9: bruteforce of sysadmin password
4 References
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Who do you want to see interviewed next?
Below is the list of all the people so far
Louis Davidson
Itzik Ben-Gan
Ken Henderson
Kalen Delaney
Adam Machanic
Interview With Stéphane Faroult About Refactoring SQL Applications
Database Refactoring Interview With Scott W. Ambler
Interview With Joe Celko About The Forthcoming Book Thinking In Sets
Who else should I interview? I have some ideas but I would like you to participate. Here is my thinking, after we have a list of possible people, I will contact them and ask if they will agree to an interview. If they agree I will make a post here and ask you what you would like to ask this person. I usually have a good set of questions but there might be someone out there with some real good/interesting questions.
So post the name of the person you would like to see interviewed and hopefully this person will agree.
It would be nice if you did not pick a person who blogs at SQLBlog but if_you_really_wanted_to then I will not stop you :-0
Please keep it database related, it doesn't have to be specific to SQL Server but it has to be applicable to SQL Server.
Friday, April 25, 2008
SQL Teaser: Some Things Are Not What They Seem
What does this return?
Copy and paste it into QA/SSMS to verify :-0
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
How to rename a column in a SQL Server table without using the designer
First create this table
CREATE TABLE TestColumnChange(id int)
INSERT TestColumnChange VALUES(1)
SELECT * FROM TestColumnChange
As you can see the select statement returns id as the column name. you can use ALTER table ALTER Column to change the dataype of a column but not the name.
Here is what we will do, execute the statement below
EXEC sp_rename 'TestColumnChange.[id]', 'value', 'COLUMN'
Now do the select, you will see that the column name has changed
SELECT * FROM TestColumnChange
That is it, very simple
Monday, April 21, 2008
Interview With Stéphane Faroult About Refactoring SQL Applications
I decided to interview Stéphane Faroult, the author of The Art of SQL because it is one of my favorite SQL books. Stéphane told me he has a new book coming out soon, the name of this book is Refactoring SQL Applications and the majority of this interview is focused on that book.
You can find that interview here: Interview With Stéphane Faroult About Refactoring SQL Applications
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Solutions for Common T-SQL Problems Wiki Launched
Monday, April 14, 2008
Use IDENT_CURRENT() to return the last identity value generated in all tables in a SQL Server Database
WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'base table'
AND OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(table_name),'TableHasIdentity')=1
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Links Of The Week 20080414
SQL Server 2005 Memory Limits and Related Questions
Microsoft to Increase Use of SQL Server 2005 Best Practices Analyzer (SQLPBA) - So Should You
SqlClient, System.Transactions, SQL Server 2008, and MARS
Visual Linq query builder for Linq to Sql
Converting an EAV design to sparse columns and populating
How It Works: SQL Server Page Allocations
How It Works: File Streams Requires Integrated Security (Windows Authentication)
Troubleshooting xp_cmdshell failures
How It Works: SQL Server Checkpoint (FlushCache) Outstanding I/O Target
Non DB tech
CSS Message Box collection
WCF: Reliable Messaging and Retry Timeouts
Google Starts to Index the Invisible Web
Download YouTube Videos as MP4 Files
New WCF Adapter Code Samples on MSDN!
IUpdatable & ADO.NET Data Services Framework
.NET Rocks! #332 - Ted Neward on the New Language Renaissance
Non tech
Why 24 hours in a Day?
The Publishing Industry Takes Another Hit
What job ads really mean
It's A Dog, Not A Towel (Pics.)
I've got your Highlander right here! [Pic]
Monday, April 07, 2008
Video: SQL Server Data Services Architecture
Watch it here: http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=395843#395843
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Links Of The Week 20080405
Send Table or View as embedded HTML in an email – stored procedure
How It Works: SQL Server 2005 DBCC Shrink* May Take Longer Than SQL Server 2000
How It Works: Non-Yielding Resource Monitor
Overhead of Row Versioning
TempDB:: Table variable vs local temporary table
sp_helpindex2 to show included columns (2005+) and filtered indexes (2008) which are not shown by sp_helpindex
Yet Another Stored Procedure vs. Ad-hoc Query Discussion?
Geek City: How SQL Server Detects the Correct Versioned Rows
SQLIOSim is "NOT" an I/O Performance Tuning Tool
Forensic Analysis of a SQL Server 2005 Database Server
Non DB tech
Microsoft Live Search Gains Market Share
Unit Testing with Silverlight
Using Spring.NET and NHibernate with ASP.NET MVC
Enterprise Library 4.0 Community Technology Preview
Hanselminutes Podcast 107 - Digital Photography Explained (for Geeks) with Aaron Hockley
How do Extension Methods work and why was a new CLR not required?
Core War: Two Programs Enter, One Program Leaves
How to set an IIS Application or AppPool to use ASP.NET 3.5 rather than 2.0
Let That Be a Lesson To You, Son: Never Upgrade.
Silverlight 2 DIGG Sample Part I
Silverlight 2 DIGG Sample Part II
Silverlight 2 DIGG Sample Part III
Google Developer Podcast: Picasa Web and Google Gears for Mobile
Ted Neward: On Java and .NET, Software Academics versus Practioners, General Purpose Programming Languages
Whirlwind 7: What's New in C# 3 - Lambda Expressions
Google To Launch BigTable As Web Service To Compete With Amazon's SimpleDB
Non tech
SMCB: Charles Manson Pulls a Radiohead
Possibly the best name ever.
Thank God for Torrents (Pic)
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Database Refactoring Interview With Scott W. Ambler
Scott W. Ambler is the Practice Leader Agile Development for IBM Rational
You can find more about Scott here: http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/bios/ambler.html
I did not feel like duplicating the content here so you can read the interview here: Database Refactoring Interview With Scott W. Ambler
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
SQL Champ - A Quiz to Prove Your SQL Knowledge
Take the test here: SQL Champ - A Quiz to Prove Your SQL Knowledge
And did you get everything correct?
And yes they wrote Knowlege instead of Knowledge :-)
Not An April Fool’s Joke: SQL Server 2000 Mainstream Support Ends In A Week
SQL 2000 SP4 - currently supported; support ends on either 12 months after SP5 is released or on 4/8/2008 whichever comes first. Extended support under which you get only break-fix assistance via Premier ends on 4/9/2013. I am not aware of release date for SP5 so far.
SQL 2005 SP2 - currently supported; support ends on either 12 months after SP3 is released or on 4/12/2011 whichever comes first. Extended support under which you get only break-fix assistance via Premier ends on 4/13/2016
More details can be found here: http://blogs.msdn.com/sqlreleaseservices/archive/2007/07/12/sql-server-support-lifetimes-customer-actions.aspx
And here:
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Links Of The Week 20080330
Check out (grand)ma in the background, she doesn't miss a beat.
Friday, March 28, 2008
How To Use COALESCE And NULLIF To Prevent Updating Columns When A Parameter IS NULL Or A Default Value
A variation of this question popped up twice in the SQL programming newsgroup since yesterday, this means it is time for a blogpost.
Let's say you have a proc like this
CREATE PROC prUpdateTable
@Salesman int = -1
If the user calls the proc like this exec prUpdateTable null then @Salesman will be null, if the user calls the proc like this exec prUpdateTable then the value of @Salesman will be -1. In both of this cases you don't want to change the value of the column. What can you do?
You can use a combination of NULLIF and COALESCE to handle this. Your update statement would look like this
UPDATE table
SET Column = COALESCE(NULLIF(@variable,-1),Column)
Here is some code to demonstrate that
CREATE TABLE #foo (id int,salesman int)
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
DECLARE @salesman int
SELECT @salesman = 5
--Column value will change to 5
SET salesman = COALESCE(NULLIF(@salesman,-1),salesman)
--Column value won't change
SELECT @salesman = -1
SET salesman = COALESCE(NULLIF(@salesman,-1),salesman)
--Column value won't change
SELECT @salesman = NULL
SET salesman = COALESCE(NULLIF(@salesman,-1),salesman)
--Column value will change to 3
SELECT @salesman = 3
SET salesman = COALESCE(NULLIF(@salesman,-1),salesman)
--And here is the output, as you can see when @salesman was -1 or NULL the table did not get updated
1 5
2 1
3 1
4 3
As you can see only the first and the last update statement changed the value of the salesman column
Of course you would never do this if you were to update only one column, you would skip the update instead. If you have to update multiple columns then this is something you can use instead of writing a bunch of dynamic SQL or nested IF statements.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Technet Radio: A Look Inside SQLCAT (SQL Customer Advisory Team)
On this episode of TechNet Radio, We learn more about SQL CAT – the SQL Customer Advisory Team. With Launch of SQL 2008 on the way, the SQL CAT team has been working hard preparing lists of best practices, recommendations, technical whitepapers and technical end-to-end case studies on customer implementations.
Listen to it here: http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=392382#392382
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Links Of The Week 20080322
Programming Policy-Based Management with SMO - Part 1 - Intro
Programming Policy-Based Management with SMO - Part 2 - Conditions
Programming Policy-Based Management with SMO - Part 3 - ExpressionNode and Policy
Programming Policy-Based Management with SMO - Part 4 - Introducing ObjectSets
Programming Policy-Based Management with SMO - Part 5 - TargetSets and TargetSetLevels
Programming Policy-Based Management with SMO - Part 6 - Categories, Subscriptions, Wrapup
How It Works: SQL Server 2005 I/O Affinity and NUMA Don't Always Mix
Database Programming: The String Concatenation XML Trick, Sans Entitization
Database Programming: The String Concatenation XML Trick, Finalized
SQL Server 2008: Interesting Full-Text Dynamic Management Function
Minimal Logging changes in SQL Server 2008 (part-1)
More about sparse columns and column_sets
Which to use: "<>" or "!="?
Hanselminutes #105 - Rocky Lhotka on Data Access Mania, LINQ and CSLA.NET
geekSpeak Recording: Extending SQL Server Integration Services with Reza Madani
Non DB tech
Unit Testing for Silverlight...
IronPython and the DLR march on
The Weekly Source Code 21 - ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 Source Code
Hanselminutes Podcast 104 - Dave Laribee on ALT.NET
The First Rule of Programming: It's Always Your Fault
The Weekly Source Code 20 - A Web Framework for Every Language
It’s common sense, stupid: How Not to Evangelize Unit Testing
Getting LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities to use NOLOCK
Google's Design Guidelines
Microsoft give an awesome response to the guy whose XBox was cleaned
Joe Duffy and Igor Ostrovsky: Parallel LINQ under the hood
FLOSS Weekly 27: Ward Cunningham
Non tech
TheGoogle.com - a Google offering for older adults
Open Letter to Comcast: STAY OUT OF MY COMPUTER!
The Laptop Cat [Pic]
Questions on Bear Stearns buyout - shareholders want answers on how the deal was arranged, and gained government approval and financing, all in a few hours, and seemingly without alternative bidders.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
SOT: I found a new 'worst query'
Take a look at Hi, I need help on simplyfying this Update query!
I don't even want to count the nested SELECTS, The query is 688 lines long, somehow schadenfreude enters my mind.
Now where does the update come into the picture?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
What tastes better, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Oracle 11g?
You can win some cool prizes. the video is very funny
Monday, March 17, 2008
Links Of The Week 20080317
TechNet Radio: SQL 2008 Part 2 of 2: Management, Troubleshooting and Throttling
SQL Server: XQuery/XPath, Retrieval Functions
sp_send_dbmail in a transaction with @query causes unresolvable deadlock
New Features Announced In SQL Server 2008
SQL Down Under show 35 - Roger Doherty - SQL Server 2008 for Database Developers
Applying SQL Server Service Packs and HotFixes
Database Programming: The String Concatenation XML Trick Revisited (Or, Adam Is Right, But We Can Fix It)
Geek City: Nonclustered Index Keys
Sybase iAnywhere Unveils Advantage Database Server 9.0
SQL Server Integration Services and Clustering - confguration gotcha to ensure SSIS works with failover of cluster!
Non DB tech
How the BBC rendered a spinning globe in 1985
I wrote Super Pac-Man: More confessions of an ex-Atari employee
From BFS to ZFS: past, present, and future of file systems
LINQPad.net - So Great! So Great!
.NET Rocks! #324 - Emre Kiciman on AjaxView
Mashups with SyndicationFeed and LINQ
Microsoft Research Offers Behind-the-Scenes Look at Future of Computing
IBM Researchers Develop World’s Tiniest Nanophotonic Switch to route optical data between cores in future computer chips
Getting up to speed with ASP.NET and the 3.5 Extensions
Using Unity and the ASP.NET MVC Preview 2
PowerShell Plus is now official!
List Of .NET Dependency Injection Containers (IOC).
The Weekly Source Code 19 - LINQ and More What, Less How
You Know, There's a Much Easier Way...
Non tech
Man had $12,000 in debts, repaid $15,000 over 8 yrs, still owes $12,200. Credit card industry stopped him from testifying to congressional panel
XKCD on mythbusters...
JP Morgan "buys" Bear Stearns for $2 a share, Fed flips the actual bill
2008-03-11, Jim Cramer: "No! No! No! Bear Stearns is not in trouble. If anything, they’re more likely to be taken over. Don’t move your money from Bear."
English is our language [PIC]
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
6th Annual Financial Services Developer Conference
Visit http://www.financialdevelopers.com/ to download The Silverlight 2 Retail Financial Services Demonstrator
Carl Franklin from Dotnetrocks recorded a podcast at the event, this podcast was about concurrency and how to handle multi-core programming. You should definitely check it out when it becomes available on dotnetrocks. If you are interested about PLINQ and concurrent programming with .NET then visit this site: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/concurrency/default.aspx
Tomorrow there are three sessions at the same time that I want to attend
Software Engineering with VSTS
Parallelize you .Net applications with parallel extensions to the .NET framework.
Useful evolution: Programming the New features in SQL Server 2008.
I have my
Sunday, March 09, 2008
StrataFrame Or CSLA.NET, Which Framework Would You Use?
The team I am part of at work is trying to pick a framework for new development and they like these two the best. Are these two something you would pick or do you know a better one?
CSLA.NET: http://www.lhotka.net/cslanet/
StrataFrame: http://www.strataframe.net/
Also keep in mind that while CSLA.NET is free, StrataFrame is not.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Video: SQL Server Data Services and the Future of Data in the Cloud
Watch it here: http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=388698#388698
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Microsoft Announces SQL Server Data Services
SQL Server Data Service (SSDS) is a highly scalable and cost-effective on-demand data storage and query processing web service. It is built on robust SQL Server technologies and helps guarantees a business-ready service level agreement covering high availability, performance and security features. Microsoft SSDS is accessible using standards based protocols (SOAP, REST) for quick provisioning of on-demand data-driven & mashup applications.
How does Microsoft SQL Server Data Services differ from traditional on premise relational SQL Server Database?
SQL Server Data Services is a storage and query processing utility providing mega scale, high availability, reliability, and geo-distributed data services in the Cloud. Customers use the service on-demand, with no up-front cost. It eliminates the initial investment in hardware and software and the on-going cost for storage administration, scale maintenance. Developers and Service providers can quickly run their on-demand applications with minimal infrastructure cost.
What can I do with SQL Server Data Services?
Customers can use SQL Server Data Services to store virtually any amount of data in the Cloud. They can query and modify data as required by the specific business scenarios. SQL Server Data Services support standards-based REST and SOAP interfaces designed to work with any Internet-development toolkit. The primary wire format is XML. Developers and service providers can quickly run on-demand applications with ease. The data has flexible schema which can be modified dynamically by the application. The data is provided with high availability and reliability virtually anywhere, anytime.
Rest of the FAQs here: http://www.microsoft.com/sql/dataservices/faq.mspx
Main SQL Server Data Services site here: http://www.microsoft.com/sql/dataservices/default.mspx
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
In SQL Server 2008 The CONVERT function is enhanced to allow conversions between binary and character hexadecimal values
SQL Server 2008 CTP 6 has enhanced the convert function when you do conversion between binary and character hexadecimal values
There are 3 styles:
Style 0 works the same as on 2005 it converts binary to varchar, if you have 0x64656E6973 then you will get 'denis'
Style 1 converts binary to varchar but the values stay the same, if you have 0x64656E6973 you will get '0x64656E6973'
Style 2 strips the 0x but leaves the rest of the values, if you have 0x64656E6973 you will get '64656E6973'
Try it out
When you run this
SELECT CONVERT(varbinary(5),'denis')
The output will be this 0x64656E6973. Now we can use that in the select statements below
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(18), 0x64656E6973, 0) AS 'Style 0' --denis
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(18), 0x64656E6973, 1) AS 'Style 1' --0x64656E6973
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(18), 0x64656E6973, 2) AS 'Style 2' --64656E6973
When you run the code above on SQL Server 2005 all 3 select statements return 'denis'
It is all in Books On Line for CTP 6, it would have been nice if they also included the sys.dm_tran_commit_table dmv or the sys.dm_exec_trigger_stats dmv. I have no clue what the sys.dm_tran_commit_table dmv is supposed to do :-(